Description :
Introduction: The RESEARCH ON CROPS (ROC) is an international scholarly journal owned by Mrs. Poonam Singh. On her behalf, it is published by the Gaurav Publications (Regd.), Hisar, India. It publishes peer reviewed original research and review articles related to Agronomy, Crop Science and Soil Science. It also focuses on crop disease and protection. Articles demonstrating new methods and technologies are welcomed. It provides a valuable platform for researchers, scientists, students and experts to share innovative research. ROC is led by eminent Editors and Reviewers from various countries who thoroughly review all submissions.
Publication of Regular Issues: The ROC is subscription based and regularly published in both online and print versions. The articles are published in partial open-access format, which means that the abstracts of all published articles are feely available for unlimited access. The PDFs of all articles are archived for online purchase. It is published quarterly, and its’ regular issues are published in the months of March, June, September and December.
Publication of Special Issues:
The ROC welcomed the proposals for special issues on the topics that fall under the scope of the journal. Special Issues should be organized by experts in the field of interest and attract high quality articles. The interested researchers should submit a proposal to the journal’s editorial office. The proposal should include Title, aims and scope, list of guest editors, including their names, affiliations and brief biography of each guest editor, submission deadline, first round of review and publication date.
All proposals should be forwarded to the journal’s editorial office ( for approval by the Editorial Board members. Once proposal is accepted, a call-for-papers will be posted on the journal’s website. To ensure the success of a Special Issue, a minimum of 25 manuscripts are required for publication.
Guest Editors are required to manage the peer-review process of the submitted manuscripts. Guest Editors will need to read and review manuscripts thoroughly for the selection and recommendation of suitable articles for publication in the Special Issue.
Indexed in:
1.Scopus (Q3): SciMago Journal Ranking (SJR) 2022: 0.22 (
2. NAAS (National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi) Score 2023: 4.96
3.UGC Approved (included in UGC CARE list)
Article Processing Charges (APCs)
Authors are required to pay APCs for accepted papers @ Rs. 2000/- (Indian authors) and US $ 130/- (Other countries) per printed page of an article. Discount up to 20% in APCs is allowed to needy students. Authors from SAARC countries and other low-income countries as per World Bank list are eligible for maximum 40% discount in APCs.
Archiving: In case the journal is no longer published, the electronic backup of articles will be accessed via Pub Med Central.
Subjects Covered: Agronomy and Crop Sciences including resources on the agro-technology, Post-harvest management of field crops, horticultural and medicinal plants, plant protection and seed science, plant nutrition, soil science, plant biotechnology, soil management and tillage, weed science, agroforestry, agro-climatology, and agricultural water management. Soil Science covers topics on resources concerning many aspects of the formation, nature, distribution and utilization of soils including soil biology and fertility, soil conservation and tillage research, soil contamination and reclamation, soil biochemistry, soil chemistry and physics.
Indexing Services: Scopus (Q3), NAAS, UGC CARE list, Ebsco, CABI, DRJI, Research Gate, Google Scholar, CiteFactor, Scientific Indexing Services (SIS), Indian Citation Index, Publication Forum, Journal Guide, LetPub, Resurchify, etc. All articles published in this journal are assigned with Digital Object Identification (DOI) number.
Aims :
Author Guidelines
Terms of submission
Peer review
Concurrent submissions
Article Processing Charges (APCs)
The journal is subscription based. The APCs apply on the accepted articles for publication in the designated journal.
1.Crop Research: No processing charges. However, authors are required to pay APCs for approved and/or accepted papers @ Rs. 1200/- and US $ 100/- per single side final printed page of an article for Indian and foreign authors, respectively. Total APCs are calculated on the basis of number of printed pages in an article. Discount up to 20% in APCs is allowed to needy and those Indian students who are the sole or first author of the paper. Authors from SAARC Countries (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri-Lanka) and Low-Income Countries (Burkina Faso, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Dem. Rep., Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Korea North, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Togo, Uganda and Yemen, Rep.) are eligible for maximum 50% discount in APCs.
2.Research on Crops: No processing charges. However, authors are required to pay APCs for approved and/or accepted papers @ Rs. 1500/- and US $ 120/- per single side final printed page of an article for Indian and foreign authors, respectively. Total APCs are calculated on the basis of number of printed pages in an article. Discount up to 20% in APCs is allowed to needy and those Indian students who are the sole or first author of the paper. Authors from SAARC Countries (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri-Lanka) and Low-Income Countries (Burkina Faso, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Dem. Rep., Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Korea North, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Togo, Uganda and Yemen, Rep.) are eligible for maximum 50% discount in APCs.
3.Farming & Management: Neither processing charges nor APCs are applied for publication of articles in this journal. It is free to publish papers in this journal till December 2025.
Types of Articles
The journals will consider the following types of articles:
Research Articles
Review Articles
Send a manuscript in one file only including Text, Tables and Figures. Total size of Word file must be less than 1 MB in size.
Formatting of the Manuscript
Manuscripts should be typed in English and include line numbers. Follow the following structure of the manuscript.
Manuscript Title
Manuscript Short Title
Full Author Names
Full Institutional Mailing Addresses
Email Addresses
Key words
Materials and Methods
Results and Discussion
Conflicts of Interest
Funding Statement
Research papers:
Book chapter:
Date Formatting
Units of Measurement
Preparation of Figures
Preparation of Tables
Galley Proofs
Copyright and Permissions
Submitting authors should declare that:
Click here for Templates for preparing the Manuscript.