Peer-Review Process of the Article

Peer-Review Process – Definition, Steps, and More!

Scientific journal publishing is a complicated and time-consuming process. It brings the most authentic and useful knowledge of the scholars to the world. Any type of carelessness can make the importance of research papers null and void.

At Gaurav Publications double blind peer-review process has been followed to maintain the quality of the journals. 

Therefore, Gaurav Publications give importance to the role of peer review as it is the only method of ensuring that the article contains the desired and useful information in it.

Gaurav Publications is having Esteemed Reviewer’s panel of professionals from around the globe.

The main objective of our Editors and Reviewers is to follow peer-review process to maintain the standards of the journals and helps the author to improve quality of the research.  

The peer-review process disapproves some of the ill-practices in the domain of scientific journal publishing. Any type of misconduct betrays the purpose of journal publishing.

The Gaurav Publications are very much professional about publishing the most knowledge-rich and original journals and emphasize the most comprehensive peer review.

There is a proper set of steps that are followed by Gaurav Publications in the complete process of journal peer-reviewing and it is discussed below:


The first step is the submission of research papers. Hundreds of research papers are submitted at Gaurav Publications regularly. An author submits his manuscripts for publishing through the online submission portal on the Gaurav Publications website.

There is another way by which the author can submit his papers i.e. the good old E-Mail. The guidelines to the author may be found at:

Editor First Opinion or Editor Screening

After the completion of the submission process, the manuscripts are sent to the editor for review.

If he finds that the submitted papers don’t fulfill the process of the required subject, he holds the complete right of abandoning the process of reviewing. The author is also informed if his papers are rejected at this point.

If the manuscript passes the editor’s screening, it is forwarded to external reviewers for further inspection.

Review Process (Peer Review)

At Gaurav Publications double blind peer-review process has been followed. After the initial green signal by the editor, the papers are sent to the suitable reviewers. The reviewers then monitor the manuscripts and extra papers from the editor and determine whether they fulfill the standards of scientific guidelines or not.

Each reviewer will review and have his opinion on the manuscript. Reviewers will take a look at the study design, significance of the study, clarity of language, result presentation etc.

The reviewers will also recommend publication to the journal editor. Based on the feedback and recommendations, the editor will decide whether the paper will be accepted or not, or sent for revision. The editor will write a decision letter to the authors.

It is quite rare for a paper to be accepted as the original draft. In case the manuscripts don’t fulfil the standards of scientific guidelines, the suggestions are made to the editor to take the required steps.

Revised Article (Revising and Resubmitting)

The suggestions made by the reviewer are closely observed by the editor. In case there is a requirement from the author to provide the missing documents, he is asked to do so. The editor also assists the author to follow the necessary guidelines for journal publishing.

According to the editors, the article has important information along with some issues and concerns. The authors need to go through and consider the comments of the reviewers carefully as the revision will largely be based on those comments.

The authors also need to respond to each comment point by point indicating the change, whether or not a revision can be done or give sufficient information properly.

The authors need to follow the instructions on how to show revision by the editor.

Editorial Process

The editor cross-checks and takes into consideration all the important amendments and revisions carried out by the author as per the comments and directions before making the final decision.

The editor can then send the corrected article again to the reviewer in case the need arises. He can even return the article to the author if it is not worked up according to the research and format.

After the revision is done, the authors submit the revised paper again to the journal. The revision will pass the review through the editor only or by both the reviewers and editors for the next round.

Then the authors may get a final decision. Usually if the editor and the reviewers think that the revision has addressed their previous issues adequately and the paper has improved post-revision, the paper will move forward for the last step.

Decision on Article

The power of approving or rejecting an article completely lies with the editor. If some changes are found in the article, the author can be asked for resubmitting the article.

In case the articles are found fabricated, falsified, or inflated on intention, the resubmission of the article can again be rejected by the editor.

If the paper is accepted, an acceptance letter is issued to the authors. The authors may be required to complete certain formalities as a prerequisite for publication. The manuscript will then be edited and put into final production.


The submitted articles are worked on before the production process. World-class services are employed to create the finest writing piece for readership. The content is also arranged with the best typography standards and the tables and figures are arranged properly for printing.

The journal is then made presentable through the international guidelines and, finally the galley proof/ re-prints are sent to the author for final corrections.

Online Publication  

The articles that are published offline are also published online in a proper manner. Once the due procedure for final publication is done, the articles are published on the website with the DOI number.

Final Publication

After going through the detailed process, the ultimate process of the journal process is begun. All the required approvals from the different sections of the publication house are checked again so that no error at the time of the final publication of the printed journal is detected.

Post the final publication, the author is requested to purchase the print copy of the the issue/journal.

Why it is important?

Scientific research can be far more meaningful for individuals and the community. And because of this, it goes through a quality control process known as ‘Peer-review’ before its publication.

The Peer review process involves reviewing the author’s work and studies to the inspection of other experts to check its validity and suitability for publication. Simply put, a peer review lets the publisher decide whether a work should be published or not.

Finally, why do we use it?

As peer review is the process of reviewing the author’s work and studies to the inspection of other experts, it is aimed at serving two primary purposes.

Firstly, it filters the high-quality research for its publication in reputed journals by determining the validity, importance, and authenticity of the study.

Second, it enhances the quality of the manuscripts that are appropriate for publication. Peer reviewers give suggestions to the authors on how to make manuscripts better, and also find and correct any errors before forwarding them for publication.

Now you might be wondering what type of Peer Review does Gaurav Publications uses and why. Don’t worry we are just getting to that. Gaurav Publications mainly uses the Double-Blind type of Peer Review from last 3 decades in which the reviewers don’t know the names of the authors and the authors don’t know who reviewed the manuscript.

But we will not leave you in any doubt regarding this seemingly new process and clear everything you need to know about it in detail.

Double-Blind Peer Review – The Definition

In the Double-blind peer review, the identity of both the author and reviewer is kept secret. This mainly stops the reviewer from forming any partiality as the reviewer doesn’t know who wrote the article.

To aid this the authors need to make sure that their manuscripts are created in a way that doesn’t reveal their identity at any cost.

But as no process is entirely useful or harmful, the Double-Blind Peer Review also comes with its set of advantages and disadvantages. Let’s now discuss them in detail.

Advantages of Double-Blind Peer Review System

·More than 70% of academics all over the world have confidence in double-blind review system.

·Double-Blind Peer Review System gives pure and unbiased results.

·Empowers female authors. 

Disadvantages of Double-Blind Peer Review System

  • Sometimes ruins the research of the paper.

According to Gaurav Publications, Peer Review has the following additional benefits:
  • Peer review makes the manuscripts more robust as peer reviewers point out the areas in paper that need more explanation or study.
  • Peer review also makes the manuscripts much easier to read as the reviewers suggest changes that eases their difficulty.
  • Lastly peer reviewers make the manuscripts more useful as peer reviewers keep in mind the importance of your paper to others in your domain.

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