Manuscript reviewers are vital to the publication process. Gaurav Publications relies on the peer review process to maintain the quality of articles and the journals. We invite you to become a reviewer of our journals.

During the current year, Gaurav Publications will be electing several new members to our Reviewer Panel. We are searching for new members who have made significant contributions in generating new knowledge and who believe in our mission, principles and values.

We are often looking to expand our pool of reviewers, which means there will be a demand for your particular area of expertise.

Recognizing Reviewers

Reviewers are important to us; Gaurav Publications aims to reward them for the work they do.
  • Gaurav Publications put on reviewers personalized profile page on website.
  • If a reviewer has completed at least two reviews, they become a ‘Recognized Reviewer’ and Gaurav Publications award them with a 'Reviewer Excellence Certificate’.
  • If a reviewer has completed at least ten reviews in two years, they become an ‘Outstanding Reviewer’ and 'recommended for Editorial Board Member’ of any Gaurav Publications Journals.

Role of Reviewers

  • You may anticipate receiving occasional requests to review papers close to your area of interest. The reviewing load is modest and should be as per your convenience. Respond to the invitation as soon as you can, delay in your decision slows down the review process, whether you agree to review or not. If you decline the invitation, provide suggestions for alternative reviewers.
  • Give comments and suggestions, including about layout and format, Title, Abstract, Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, language and References in a prescribed comments sheet.

Become a Reviewer -

If you are interested in reviewing for our journals, please join us via online system or contact us at /

Any questions, please contact

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