Author Guidelines


  • Manuscripts in English should be submitted by one of the authors of the manuscript through the online submission portal of website: of our journals. Submissions by anyone other than one of the authors will not be considered.
  • Manuscripts should be typed using Times Roman New 12 pt. font in MS Word format on A4 size page keeping 2.5 cm margins on all sides and 1.5 line space.
  • The submitting author takes responsibility for the manuscript during submission, peer review and galley proof correction. For technical help, please contact:

Terms of submission

  • Manuscripts must be submitted on the understanding that they have not been published elsewhere and are only being considered by this journal.
  • Research papers must be written on the basis of minimum seven parameters of crop/plant studied including growth and yield characters for publication in CROP RESEARCH and RESEARCH ON CROPS journals.
  • The submitting author is responsible for ensuring that the article’s publication has been approved by all the other coauthors.
  • It is also the submitting author’s responsibility to ensure that the article has all necessary institutional and copyright approvals.
  • Only an acknowledgment from the editorial office officially establishes the date of receipt.
  • The galley proofs for correction will be sent to the corresponding author(s) before publication, unless otherwise indicated.
  • It is a condition of submission that the authors permit editing of the manuscript.
  • The manuscripts should not contain research older than three years.
  • Inquiries, if any, concerning the publication of accepted manuscripts should be addressed to:

Peer review

  • All submitted articles are subject to assessment and peer review to ensure editorial and technical correctness.
  • Research published in Gaurav Publications journals must be scientifically valid adhering to standards of research, technically accurate in its methods and results.
  • Ethically sound, transparent and clear declaration of conflicts of interests.
  • For an article to be accepted for publication, the assigned editor will first consider if the manuscript meets the minimum editorial standards and fits within the scope of the journal.
  • In case an article is found suitable, the editor will suggest at least two peer reviewers to assess the article before confirming to accept. Decision to reject the manuscript is at the discretion of the editor.

Concurrent submissions

  • In order to ensure sufficient diversity within the authorship of the journal, authors will be limited to having three manuscripts under review at any point in time.
  • If an author already has three manuscripts under review in the journal, they will need to wait until the review process of at least one of these manuscripts is complete before submitting another manuscript for consideration.

Article Processing Charges (APCs)

The journal is subscription based. The APCs apply on the accepted articles for publication in the designated journal.

1.Crop Research: No processing charges. However, authors are required to pay APCs for approved and/or accepted papers @ Rs. 1200/- and US $ 100/- per single side final printed page of an article for Indian and foreign authors, respectively. Total APCs are calculated on the basis of number of printed pages in an article. Discount up to 20% in APCs is allowed to needy and those Indian students who are the sole or first author of the paper. Authors from SAARC Countries (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri-Lanka) and Low-Income Countries (Burkina Faso, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Dem. Rep., Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Korea North, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Togo, Uganda and Yemen, Rep.) are eligible for maximum 50% discount in APCs.

2.Research on Crops: No processing charges. However, authors are required to pay APCs for approved and/or accepted papers @ Rs. 1500/- and US $ 120/- per single side final printed page of an article for Indian and foreign authors, respectively. Total APCs are calculated on the basis of number of printed pages in an article. Discount up to 20% in APCs is allowed to needy and those Indian students who are the sole or first author of the paper. Authors from SAARC Countries (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri-Lanka) and Low-Income Countries (Burkina Faso, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Dem. Rep., Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Korea North, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Togo, Uganda and Yemen, Rep.) are eligible for maximum 50% discount in APCs.

3.Farming & Management: Neither processing charges nor APCs are applied for publication of articles in this journal. It is free to publish papers in this journal till December 2025.

Types of Articles

The journals will consider the following types of articles:

Research Articles

  • Research articles (not exceeding 3,000 words including references but excluding Tables and Figures) should present the results of an original research study.
  • These manuscripts should describe how the research project was conducted and provide a thorough analysis of the results of the project.

Review Articles

  • Review articles (not exceeding 6000 words) should provide an overview of the minimum 100 published literature/ references in a particular subject area. References should not be older than 10 years.
  • Normally invited review articles or reviews written by the authorities on the topics are considered for publication in the RESEARCH ON CROPS journal.

Send a manuscript in one file only including Text, Tables and Figures. Total size of Word file must be less than 1 MB in size.

Formatting of the Manuscript

Manuscripts should be typed in English and include line numbers. Follow the following structure of the manuscript.

Manuscript Title

  • Title should be brief, specific, informative and, scientific name(s) of crops or organisms studied should be written in italics/ underlined. It should be set in small and bold letters.

Manuscript Short Title

  • A short title should be given for running headlines.

Full Author Names

  • Names of authors to be typed, in capital letters unaccompanied by their degrees, titles etc. There should not be more than seven authors in the article.

Full Institutional Mailing Addresses

  • Address of the institution where the study was carried out be given below the name(s) of author(s). Present address and email of corresponding author should be given as footnote on the first page indicating by asterisk the author to whom the correspondence is to be addressed.

Email Addresses

  • Provide the email address of the corresponding author just below the institutional mailing address.


  • The manuscript should contain an abstract. The abstract should be self-contained, free from citations and abbreviations, and should not exceed 300 words.
  • Abstract should be in three parts – Background, Methods and Results.
  • The Abstract should be informative and completely self-explanatory, briefly present the topic, state the scope of the experiments, indicate significant data, and point out major findings and conclusions.
  • The name of the institution/place, year, season and time/period of the experiment/ study should be mentioned in the ABSTRACT section.

Key words

  • Following the abstract, key words not more than 6 that will provide indexing references should be listed in alphabetical order.


  • Introduction should be brief with no subheadings, and the review of the literature should be pertinent to the theme of the paper. Extensive review and unnecessary detail of earlier work should be avoided.
  • It should briefly describe the latest and current available information on the subject, duly supported by relevant and recent references.
  • Do not use more than 5 years old references except landmark references in that field.

Materials and Methods

  • This section should contain the materials and methods used in the experiment. It should begin with details relating to place of study, period/season/year, climate or prevailing weather conditions, experimental materials used and other details as relevant to the study.
  • The name of the institution/ place, year, season and time/period of the experiment/study should be mentioned in the Materials and Methods section.
  • Treatment details along with techniques and experimental design, replications, plot size etc. should be clearly indicated.
  • Use of symbols for treatments should be fully explained at its’ first mention.
  • This section should specify the methodology for application of experimental treatments. The specific observations recorded during the experiment should be described properly. Avoid detailed description of known methods of analysis. However, any new technique developed and followed should be described in detail.
  • References for methods used in the study should be cited.
  • All statistical comparisons among treatments may be made at P=0.05 level of probability. Correlation and regression analysis should be given in appropriate cases.

Results and Discussion

  • This section should be combined to avoid repetition. The results should not be repeated in both tables and figures.
  • Results should be reported under suitable sub-headings and discussed together to avoid duplication.
  • Discussion should be strengthened by explaining treatment effects in terms of cause-and-effect relationship.
  • Explain how the results relate to previous findings. When the results differ from previously available information, possible explanations should be given.
  • Controversial issues should be discussed clearly and fairly.
  • The relevant references should be suitably cited for discussion of the results.


  • The word 'Conclusion' should be typed as a separate heading. It should not be written in more than 300 words.
  • This section should clearly explain the summary of the results obtained and their impact in solution of the practical problems and contribution to scientific knowledge. Suggest areas for further investigation.

Conflicts of Interest

  • Submitting authors are responsible for co-authors declaring their interests. Declared conflicts of interest will be considered by the editor and reviewers and included in the published article.
  • The involvement of anyone other than the authors who: i) has an interest in the outcome of the work; ii) is affiliated to an organization with such an interest; or iii) was employed or paid by a funder, in planning, design, conduct, or analysis of the work, preparation or editing of the manuscript, or the decision to publish must be declared.
  • Undeclared conflicts of interest could lead to a corrigendum or a retraction.

Funding Statement

  • Authors must state how the research and publication of article was funded, by naming financially supporting body followed by associated grant number, if any.
  • If the research was performed as part of the employment of the authors, please name this employer.
  • If the funder was involved in the manuscript writing, editing or approval to publish, please declare this.


  • Acknowledgments (if any) should be written in brief. It should be included before the References section. If necessary, the authors may place on record the help and cooperation or any financial help received from any source, person or organization for the study.


  • Authors should write references in the list at the end of the manuscript or cite in the text as per format of the journal. Authors are responsible for ensuring that the information in each reference is complete and accurate.
  • The references cited in the text of a manuscript must appear at the end of the article under the heading ‘References’ and vice-versa.
  • The spellings of author names and year of references in the text and references list should be carefully checked.
  • The references in the list should include names of all authors, years (within brackets), full title of the article, name of the journal (abbreviated) in italics, volume number (in bold) and page range.
  • No need to mention issue number along with volume number.
  • For book or monograph, the name of the publisher should also be given as well as its volume, edition and relevant pages.
  • The references cited together in the text should be arranged chronologically (e.g., Singh, 2008; Patil et al., 2014; Singh and Maiti, 2017; Nguyen and Tran, 2019).
  • The list of references should be arranged alphabetically on author's names, and chronologically per author.
  • References from standard scientific journals should be preferred, while those concerning unpublished data are generally to be avoided.
  • A few examples for correct citation of references in the list are given below:

Research papers:

  1. Nguyen, H. L. and Tran, D. H. (2019). Performance of salt-tolerant rice cultivars under different soil salinity levels in Central Vietnam. Res. Crop. 20: 461-67.
  2. Patil, A. S., Patel, H. K. and Chauhan, N. P. (2014). Yield, quality and monetary returns of summer pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) as influenced by integrated management and sowing methods. Crop Res. 47: 24-28.
  3. Singh, V. P. and Maiti, R. K. (2017). Research trends in growth and productivity of pearl millet as influenced by biotic factors–A review. Farm. Manage. 2: 89-95.
  4. DeGreeff, R. D., Varanasi, A. V., Dille, J. A., Peterson, D. E. and Jugulam, M. (2018). Influence of plant growth stage and temperature on glyphosate efficacy in common lambsquarters (Chenopodiumalbum). Weed Technol. 32: 448-53.


  1. O’Brien, R. D. (2008). Fats and Oils: Formulatingand Processing for Applications, 3rd edn. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida. Pp. 680.

Book chapter:

  1. Maiti, R. K., Singh, V. P., Sánchez Arreola, E., Wesche Ebeling, P. and Zavala Garcia, F. (2002). Potato Growth and Productivity. In: Advances in Potato Science (Eds. Maiti, R. K. and Singh, V. P.). Gaurav Society of ARIC, Hisar, India. Pp.109-47.


  1. Singh, R. (2008). Effect of nitrogen management through organic and inorganic sources in sole and intercropped Bt cotton-wheat system. Ph.D. Thesis, Division of Agronomy, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India. Pp. 99 + xi.

Date Formatting

  • Gaurav Publications recommends for writing dates fully in the text to avoid confusion. For example, 20/12/2022 or 20-12-2022 or 20.12.2022 could be 20 December 2022.

Units of Measurement

  • The units of measurement should be presented simply and concisely using the International System of Units (SI).

Preparation of Figures 

  • Instead of tables, figures may be drawn where a large number of values or data are presented. The same data should not be presented in both tables and figures.
  • Line drawings/photographs should contain figure number and description thereof as a footnote of figures.
  • Originals of the figures should not be larger than twice the final size, of good quality.
  • The figures should be sized to fit within the columns of the journal. The extremely small font and great variation in text sizes within figures should be avoided.
  • Only standard abbreviations should be used. For pesticides names, the first letter should not be capitalized.
  • The trade names should be capitalized. All the weights and measurements must be in SI or metric units.
  • Use kg/ha, or t/ha (if more than 999 kg/ha). Similarly, prefer use of g/ha, mg/kg, mg/L, mg/g, ml/L rather than % or ppm. Do not follow the style kg ha-1 or t ha-1. Use % after numbers, not per-cent, e.g., 7 %. In series or range of measurements, mention the units only at the end e.g., use 20, 60, 100 and 2000C; 30 or 40% more, instead of 20C, 60C, 100C and 200C; 30% or 40% more.
  • Authors should include all figures in MS Word format at the end of text of the manuscript.
  • Figures should not be submitted in separate files. All figures should be cited in the manuscript in a consecutive order.
  • It is the responsibility of the authors to provide any copyright or license information when using figures/ maps that are not owned or created by the author.

Preparation of Tables

  • Each table should be numbered consecutively in the same order as they are mentioned in text.
  • Table numbers followed by the title should be written on the top of table.
  • The title must describe the contents of the table fully and explain any symbol or abbreviation used in it as a footnote, using small letters viz. a, b, c and so on or asterisks.
  • Tables should be self-explanatory but not very large (< 10 and 14 columns in portrait and land scape formats, respectively).
  • The large sized tables should be split into two or more small tables.
  • Use standard abbreviations of units of different parameters in tables.
  • Vertical lines in tables should not be used to separate columns.
  • Horizontal lines in tables should be used only where necessary.

Galley Proofs

  • Corrected proofs must be returned to the publisher within three days of receipt. The publisher will do everything possible to ensure prompt publication.

Copyright and Permissions

Submitting authors should declare that:

  • Text, illustrations, and any other materials included in the manuscript do not infringe upon any existing copyright or other rights of anyone.
  • The authors whose names appear in the manuscript contributed to the work presented and unanimously approve the publication of the manuscript in the Gaurav Publications journal with the authors names in the order indicated.
  • The Contributor(s) or, if applicable the Contributor’s Employer, retain(s) all proprietary rights other than copyright, such as: a) Patent rights; b) To use, free of charge, all parts of this article for the authors’ future works in books, lectures, classroom teaching or oral presentations and c) The right to reproduce the article for their own purposes provided that the copies are not offered for sale.
  • The reproduction, posting, transmission or other distribution or use of the article or any material contained therein, in any medium, requires a citation to the Journal as publisher, suitable in form and content.
  • The submitting author is responsible for securing any permissions needed for the reuse of copyrighted materials included in the manuscript.
  • The information in the manuscript is believed to be true and accurate on the date of its going to press.
  • The publisher makes no warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained in the published article.
  • Appeals
  • Original submitting authors may appeal if they feel that the decision to reject was based on a major misunderstanding over a technical aspect of the manuscript; or a failure to understand the scientific advance shown by the manuscript.
  • Appeals requesting a second opinion without sufficient justification will not be considered.
  • To lodge an appeal, please contact the journal by email ( quoting your manuscript number.


  • The study reported in the paper should not be older than 3 years.
  • Research article must be around 3000-3500 words including everything like references, tables, figures etc.
  • Abstract should be written in three sections in brief (i) Hypothesis of the study (ii) Methodology used and (iii) Results obtained in the study.
  • There should not be more than seven authors in the paper/article.
  • The data presented in tables should not be repeated in figures.
  • Normally invited review articles or reviews written by the authorities on the topics are considered for publication in the RESEARCH ON CROPS journal.
  • Review article must be written in about 6000-6500 words based on minimum 100 relevant references which should not be older than 10 years.
  • Try to use only relevant data and references in the article and follow the copyright conditions for using others published data, figures, photos etc.
  • Authors must cite 20 to 25 latest and relevant references in the papers which are appropriately acknowledge the surrounding literature for the topic.
  • Manuscripts cited with irrelevant references are not considered for publication.
  • References in the list of references must be written as per format of the journal as written in the Author Guidelines.
  • At least 50% of cited references in the research papers should not be older than 5 years.
  • References in the text should be cited as authors names along with year of reference.
  • The numbering of references for citation in the text is not allowed.
  • There should not be more than seven authors in the article.
  • Time, period, dates and year/s of the experiment should be mentioned in ABSTRACT as well as in MATERIALS AND METHODS sections.
  • Papers written on the basis of survey data on crops are not considered for publication.
  • Papers should be written on the basis of minimum 2 seasons field data on crops for publication in the RESEARCH ON CROPS journal.
  • Results should be discussed on the basis of pooled analysis of data of two seasons.
  • The study/research should contain crop component for publication in RESEARCH ON CROPS journal.
  • Send one file only including Text, Tables and Figures. Total size of MS Word file must be less than 1 MB in size.
  • Tables and figures should not cover more than 35% space of the article.
  • Text Alignment, line spacing, word count, figures, tables etc. must be as per format.
  • You can find author guidelines for download at the end of author guidelines on the official website:

Click here for Templates for preparing the Manuscript.


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