Onion growth, yield and water productivity as influenced by irrigation levels under drip irrigation and plastic mulch
Grapes recovery from grapevine fan leaf virus by chemotherapy using salicylic acid
Chitosan applications in plant disease control: A mini review
Evaluating the performance of traditional paddy (Oryza sativa L.) landraces under floating cultivation techniques in southern Tamil Nadu
Natural farming in India: A sustainable alternative to conventional agricultural practices
Studies on the effect of polyamines supplementation on growth and biochemical parameters in rose micropropagation
Influence of location-specific nutrient management and plant stand on the growth, productivity, and nutrient uptake of irrigated rabi maize (Zea mays L.)
Impact of foliar organic-mineral fertilizers on sugar beet biomass and yield in response to phosphorus and potassium levels
Plant growth regulator optimization for improved rooting efficiency in golden kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis Planch.)