
Nematode resistance to tropical Meloidogyne species in Moringa oleifera

DOI: 10.5958/2348-7542.2017.00088.2    | Article Id: 019 | Page : 513-517
Citation :- Nematode resistance to tropical Meloidogyne species in Moringa oleifera. Res. Crop. 18: 513-517
P. W. Mashela, K. M. Pofu phatu.mashela@ul.ac.za
Address : 1Green Biotechnologies Research Centre, University of Limpopo, Private Bag X1106, Sovenga, 0727, South Africa; 2Agricultural Research Council-Vegetable and Ornamental Plants, Private Bag X293, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa.


Attempts are underway to cultivate Moringa oleifera Lam. in tropical areas as a developmental crop due to its nutritional, pharmacological and industrial applications. However, the success of developmental-plant-related projects depends on the degree of nematode resistance in the introduced plants to the tropical root-knot (Meloidogyne species) nematodes. The objective of this study was to determine the degree of nematode resistance in M. oleifera seedlings to M. incognita race 2 and M. javanica under greenhouse conditions. Two parallel experiments were conducted, with seedlings in each inoculated with a series of different nematode species. At 56 days after inoculation, the M. incognita race 2 and M. javanica reproductive factor (RF) values ranged from 0–0.34 and 0.01–0.42, respectively. Nematode infection did not have any effect on plant growth variables. In conclusion, M. oleifera was resistant to population densities of tropical Moloidogyne species in South Africa.


Active ingredients  bioactive chemical compounds  medicinal plants  nematode resistance.


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