Evaluation and selection of salt tolerant hybrid maize under hydroponics culture

DOI: 10.5958/2348-7542.2017.00084.5    | Article Id: 015 | Page : 481-489
Citation :- Evaluation and selection of salt tolerant hybrid maize under hydroponics culture. Res. Crop. 18: 481-489
Masum Billah, M. A. Latif, Neelima Hossain, M. Shalim Uddin shalimuddin@yahoo.com
Address : 1Molecular Breeding Lab, Plant Breeding Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Joydebpur, Gazipur-1701, Bangladesh; 2Professor, Department of Genetics & Plant Breeding, Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Dumki, Patuakhali, Bangladesh.


Salinity is one of the principal challenges that hinders agricultural productivity in salt affected zones of the world including the southern part of Bangladesh. Recently, hybrid maize has been introduced in the cropping systems of the southern part of Bangladesh to increase cropping intensity and productivity. However, the aim of the study to find out tolerant genotypes for that reason, a study with 29 commercial maize hybrids was screened against salinity in a hydroponic culture using Hoagland solution via a split-plot design with two salinity levels (Control and 12 dS/m) and three replications. Ten days old maize seedlings were transplanted to hydroponic pots where they received salinity treatment for 18 days and the data were collected. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed significant of all genotypes and highly significant of treatment for maximum root and shoot length, leaf area, shoot dry weight and total dry matter. Genotype by traits biplot indicated that SPAD values, number of green leaves, maximum shoot length, leaf area, shoot dry weight and total dry matter were the respectable factors for selection of superior germplasm. All parameters using under study of seedling decreased under salt treatment except chlorophyll content of some genotypes showed higher SPAD value over control. Cluster analysis placed the 29 hybrids into five main groups among those clusters, group three showed the highest number of relative mean values for number of green leaves, maximum shoot length, leaf area, shoot dry weight and total dry matter. Based on the analysis, proline was the most tolerant hybrid after that 9120-paloan, kaveri-25 KCO and very susceptible genotypes were Heera, Raza and Karehi-50.


Hydroponic  maize  salinity  selection  stress  tolerant.


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