Dynamic interventions for programmed lilium (Lilium longiflorum L.) production in container system

DOI: 10.5958/2348-7542.2016.00098.X    | Article Id: 033 | Page : 590-594
Citation :- Dynamic interventions for programmed lilium (Lilium longiflorum L.) production in container system. Res. Crop. 17: 590-594
Narendra Singh Bhandari, Ranjan Srivastava, S. P. Kantiya, S. K. Guru narendra.bhandari@icar.gov.in
Address : Department of Horticulture, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar-263 145, Uttarakhand, India; 1Department of Physiology, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar-263 145, Uttarakhand, India


The present investigation was carried out to understand the impact of dynamic interventions for programmed Lilium (Lilium longiflorum L.) production in container system at Model Floriculture Centre, Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar, India during 2014–15. The experiment was laid out in completely randomized design ensuring uniformity to all the treatments. The effects of the substrates on flowering and bulbous attributes were examined during course of investigation. Enriched cocopeat substrate (T2) demonstrated significant effect in flowering attributes like plant height (108.66 cm), stem diameter (8.77 mm), number of flower buds (7.26), flower bud length (10.46 cm), flower bud diameter (31.52 mm), flower diameter (14.29 cm) and vase life (10.73 days). However, number of days to bud appearance (35.40) and number of days to first flower opening (66.53) were maximum with soil enriched substrate (T1). Among bulbous characteristics, bulb diameter (52.07 mm), bulb weight (56.24 g), number of bulblets (3.46), stem roots (15.26 cm) and basal roots length (25.12 cm) were found maximum with T2 treated plants. Among the potting media, 100% cocopeat (T2) showed overall positive influence on growth, flowering and bulbous attributes as compared to control (T1) and other treatments. Findings of this study recommended that substrate enriched with cocopeat (100%) was best suitable for programmed lilium production in container system.


Container  flowering and bulbous attributes  lilium  substrate.


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