Sex expression and morphological characterization of pomegranate cultivars under arid irrigated conditions of Punjab

DOI: 10.5958/2348-7542.2016.00016.4    | Article Id: 016 | Page : 84-89
Citation :- Sex expression and morphological characterization of pomegranate cultivars under arid irrigated conditions of Punjab. Res. Crop. 17: 84-89
Address : Department of Fruit Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-141 001, Punjab, India


The investigation on the sex expression and floral morphology of 10 pomegranate cultivars viz., Mridula, Dholka, P-23, Phule Arkata, Bhagwa, Jodhpur Red, GKVK-1, G-137, Jalore Seedless and P-26 revealed that the cv. Bhagwa produced highest number of flowers (368.3) followed by GKVK-1 and Jodhpur Red. However, number of bisexual flowers was maximum (204) in GKVK-1, while the number of male flowers was maxiumum (229) in Phule Arkata. But, higher percentage and of bisexual flowers was recorded in P-26 (64.7%) and P-23 (64.5%). Per cent male flowers were highest in Phule Arkata (71.1) followed by 60.5% in Bhagwa. The cultivars GKVK-1 (57.9%), Dholka (57.4%) and Bhagwa (57.1%) exhibited significantly highest fruit set. Maximum ovary height, length of stigma and style were recorded in P-26. The hermaphrodite flowers produced comparatively more stamens than bisexual flowers. Length of bisexual flowers was highest in GKVK-1, while in case of male flowers it was maximum (31.6 mm) in P-23. Pedicel length of bisexual and male flowers was maximum in Dholka and P-26, respectively. The colour development in sepal, petals and fruitlets scored highest in Mridula followed by Bhagwa and Phule Arkata. The bisexual flowers of Mridula produced maximum viable pollens followed by Bhagwa and Dholka, while the pollen viability of male flowers in all cultivars was significantly same but lower than bisexual flowers in all cultivars.


Cultivars  morphology  pomegranate  sex expression.


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