
MAGIC (multi-parent advanced generation intercross) breeding population for nutrient use efficiency traits in bread wheat [Triticum aestivum (L.) em Thell.]

DOI: 10.5958/2348-7542.2015.00099.6    | Article Id: 012 | Page : 704-711
Citation :- MAGIC (multi-parent advanced generation intercross) breeding population for nutrient use efficiency traits in bread wheat [Triticum aestivum (L.) em Thell.]. Res. Crop. 16: 704-711
Akshay Kumar Vats, R. P. Saharan, I. S. Panwar akshayvts@gmail.com
Address : Department of Genetics & Plant Breeding, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar-125 004, (Haryana), India


MAGIC (Multi Parent Advanced Generation Inter Cross) breeding programme is the key to improve the traits like nutrient use, nutrient harvest in self pollinated staple crops like wheat [Triticum aestivum (L.) em. Thell]. Present investigation was planned with the objectives to determine the promising genotypes for nutrient uptake and use efficiency and find the variability for nutrient use traits in bread wheat genotypes. Results revealed the proficient and potent base material to improve the nutrient use efficiency of wheat through plant breeding to meet demands of food security. Mean squares due to genotypes were significant for all the characters. Significant differences due to genotypes for various traits indicated that there was considerable variation among the genotypes. Genotype × fertilizer (G × F) interaction was significant for majority of the characters except in plant height, chlorophyll content and number of tillers per plant indicating that genotypes differed in their response from low to optimum input conditions for the characters under study. WH 1105 and HD 2967 in common were found to be highly efficient genotypes for nutrient use efficiency (i. e. for N, P and Zn use) under both low and optimum input conditions. Results showed considerable variability among genotypes for the characters under study, which further indicated the scope of developing promising genotypes through MAGIC breeding programme (crossing among better genotypes for most of the traits) like WH 1105, HD 2967 and DBW 17 followed by selection in segregating generations which may lead to identification of physiologically efficient and high yielding genotypes coupled with better nutrient use under low as well as optimum input conditions. Also, genotypes consistent in performance under both low and optimum input conditions may be identified.


Bread wheat [Triticum aestivum (L.) em. Thell.]  MAGIC breeding  nutrient use efficiency  path analysis  PCV.


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