
An analysis of crop growth characters of rice in tarai region of Uttarakhand

DOI: 10.5958/2456-8724.2017.00004.2    | Article Id: 004 | Page : 22-29
Citation :- An analysis of crop growth characters of rice in tarai region of Uttarakhand. Farm. Manage. 2: 22-29
Neha Sharma, N. S. Murty, S. B. Bhardwaj nehagbpuat1791@gmail.com
Address : 1Department of Agrometeorology, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar-263 145 (Uttarakhand), India; 2Experimental Station, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar-263 145 (Uttarakhand), India


Rice is an important and unsurpassed crop. India is regarded as the world's largest producer of brown and white rice thereby accounting for 20% of the whole world's rice production. It is the staple food of the people of eastern and southern parts of the country. India is said to have one of the largest areas under rice cultivation. In the current study, an attempt has been made to study various crop growth aspects like dates of planting, optimum leaf area, optimum leaf shape to maximize photosynthetic efficiency, deep, welldeveloped root systems, and leaf area index at flowering and during panicle in rice cultivation.


Crop growth rate  leaf area index  rice  seedlings.


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