
Antifungal potential of rhizospheric bacterial isolates of Daucus carota against brown spot fungus Cochliobolus miyabeanus


DOI: 10.31830/2454-1761.2024.CR-970    | Article Id: CR-970 | Page : 173-179
Citation :- Antifungal potential of rhizospheric bacterial isolates of Daucus carota against brown spot fungus Cochliobolus miyabeanus. Crop Res. 59: 173-179
Address : Department of Biotechnology, V. B. S. Purvanchal University, Jaunpur-222001, Uttar Pradesh, India
Submitted Date : 9-03-2024
Accepted Date : 15-04-2024


Cochliobolus miyabeanus is an important plant pathogen which causes a very common and widespread brown spot disease in rice, that may result in a severe reduction in the crop yield. The current studies were carried out to search out the antifungal potential of the bacterial isolates from the rhizospheric region of Daucus carota against brown spot fungus, C. miyabeanus. Isolation of rhizospheric bacterial isolates was done from carrot grown field of district Jaunpur in month of January, 2023. Experiment work has been done in Department of Biotechnology, Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University, Jaunpur in 2023 from the month January to November. All bacterial isolates were tested for antifungal activity against brown spot fungi. Isolates were screened for their antifungal activities against brown spot fungus for further studying plant growth promoting, biochemical and morphological attributes. Isolates, CVO-7 and NBRI-O-2 showed efficient antifungal activity against test organism and also showed some plant growth promoting attributes that can further reduce the virulence of C. miyabeanus by enhancing availability of essential and trace elements for the plant. Both the isolates were characterized at a molecular level by using 16S rRNA gene sequencing and sequences of 16S rDNA segment were submitted to the NCBI GenBank database with the accession numbers OR775577 (Bacillus subtilis ss5cvo7) and OR775572 (Bacillus proteolyticus ss2nbrio2).


Antifungal activity Cochliobolus miyabeanus Oryza sativa PGPR


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