Aim of this paper is to review the importance of sesame (Sesamum indicum) crop, production status in country and its’ constraints. Sesame is one of the most important high value oilseed crops contributing high foreign currency. Sesame oil is highly useful edible oil having wider applications. Reports from five years survey indicate that the sesame production was decreased from year by year but productivity increased due to high suitability of crop to environmental conditions. Generally, more than 85% of sesame production comes from Gujarat, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. Mostly brown and white colored seeds were grown. Due to presence of high oil content and its suitability to different environmental condition, sesame growth will give high opportunity for India to improve the crop. To increase yield potential, quality and to achieve better profits, crop needs improvement in post-harvest handling, development of high yielding cultivars with better resistance to diseases and pests, development of improved agronomic and managemental practices, with environmental situations for good oil quality in the country.