Field experiment was conducted during kharif-rabi season of 2016–17 at research farm of AICRP-Weed Management, Anand Agricultural University, Anand (Gujarat) to study the effect of tillage and weed management practices in cotton-greengram cropping system. Results indicated that in cotton total weed density and dry biomass at harvest (11.0 No./m2 and 31.1 g/m2) were recorded the highest under zero tillage+zero tillage and zero tillage+residue treatments, respectively. Significantly the highest seed cotton yield was obtained under conventional tillage treatment (2.52 t/ha) and pendimethalin 900 g/ha PE fb IC+HW at 30 and 60 DAS (2.33 t/ha). While in greengram, significantly the lowest weed density and weed dry biomass (7.19 No./m2 and 6.90 No./m2) were recorded at 30 DAS in conventional tillage followed by conventional tillage (CT-CT) treatment, respectively. The highest yield of greengram was recorded under zero tillage+residue followed by zero tillage+ residue (ZT+R-ZT+R) treatment and pendimethalin 500 g/ha PE fb IC+HW at 30 DAS.