
Evaluate the effect of growth's pre-treatments and mycorrhizal fungi on physiological characteristics of corn under drought stress conditions

DOI: 10.5958/2454-1761.2018.00005.0    | Article Id: 005 | Page : 27-37
Citation :- Evaluate the effect of growth's pre-treatments and mycorrhizal fungi on physiological characteristics of corn under drought stress conditions. Crop Res. 53: 27-37
Yadollah Keshavarz, Omid Alizadeh, Shahram Sharfzade, Mahdi Zare, Foroud Bazrafshan oalizade52@gmail.com
Address : Department of Agriculture Firoozabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Firoozabad, Iran; 1Department of Agriculture, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran


Drought stress is one of the most important non-viable tensions that can lead to a serious decline in plant crop, depending on the season and time it occurs. One of the ways to achieve sustainable agricultural goals is to use microorganisms that play an important role in supplying plant nutrition. This study was conducted to evaluate the physiological response of corn to pre-treatments of growth regulator and mycorrhiza under drought stress conditions in 2015 in two separate plots under a split plot based on a randomized complete block design with three replications in Fars province. The factors studied included drought stress (control, stress at the end of vegetative growth, tension in the middle of reproductive growth), mycorrhiza (control, use of mycorrhiza and mycorrhiza with half the recommended amount of phosphorus fertilizer) and growth regulator pretreatment (control, water to the results of this experiment showed that severe drought stress reduced the index of crop growth rate, relative water content of leaves and remobilization. Also, severe drought stress increased and decreased the contribution of re-transfer to poor and rich soils, respectively, than the control. The comparison of mycorrhizal effects showed that mycorrhiza with phosphorus and control had the highest and lowest crop growth index and leaf relative water content, respectively. Comparison of the average salicylic acid effect on crop growth index and relative leaf water content showed that consumption of 750 μM saltsilic acid increased both indexes compared to control. Comparison of the average effect of mycorrhiza on remobilization showed that mycorrhiza consumption and mycorrhiza + phosphorus consumption in poor soils and consumption of mycorrhiza + phosphorus and control in rich soils had the highest and lowest amount of remobilization, respectively. Also, the comparison of the average effect of mycorrhiza on the remobilization share showed that the control and consumption of mycorrhiza+ phosphorus had the highest and lowest numerical value, respectively.


Drought stress  corn  mycorrhiza  salicylic acid.


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