
Effect of different pre-soaking treatments on germination and seedling growth of mango {mangifera indica l.)

Article Id: 009 | Page : 40-42
Citation :- Effect of different pre-soaking treatments on germination and seedling growth of mango {mangifera indica l.). Crop Res. 47: 40-42
M. Sangeetha, A. K. Mani
Address : Regional Research Station, Paiyur-635 112, Krishnagiri District (Tamil Nadu), India


Mango {Mangifera indica L., Anacardiaceae) is an important tropical fruit crop grown in India. It is highly cross-pollinated crop, hence, enormous variation in the seedlings raised from the fruits of single tree. Pot experiments were conducted during 2010–11 and 2011–12 to study the influence of pre-soaking treatments on germination and growth of seedling. Mango stones of variety ‘Bangalora'were used for raising the seedling. The stones were washed thoroughly and the pericarp was removed (husking) to obtain the seed. The seeds were dipped in water and the floating seeds were discarded and only those which settled in the bottom were selected. The seeds were sown in mud pots after soaking for 24 h as per the treatments. The experiment included seven treatments viz., Tj-Control (seed as such), T2-Seed soaking in water, T3-Seed soaking in cowdung slurry, T4-Seed soaking in KH2P04 @ 1%, T5-Seed soaking in KN03 @ 1%, T6-Seed soaking in KCl @ 1% and T7-Seed soaking in sucrose @ 1%, laid out in a completely randomized design with three replications. The observation on germination percentage was recorded daily up to 30 days after sowing and the data on seedling height, number of leaves per seedling, stem girth and root length were recorded at 90 days after sowing. The results showed that soaking of seeds with sucrose solution @ 1% improved seedling germination percentage and subsequent seedling growth of mango.


Germination  Mango  Pre-soaking  Seedling growth  Sucrose.


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