
Effects of different irrigation methods and plant densities on nitrogen and irrigation water use efficiency in silage corn production

Article Id: 008 | Page : 33-39
Citation :- Effects of different irrigation methods and plant densities on nitrogen and irrigation water use efficiency in silage corn production. Crop Res. 47: 33-39
Muhammet Karasahin mkarasahin@karabuk.edu.tr
Address : Department of Plant and Animal Production, Karabuk University, Eskipazar Vocational School, Karabuk, Turkey.


This study was conducted to determine the effects of different irrigation methods (drip, sub-soil drip and sub-soil capillary) and different plant densities (102040, 119040 and 142850 plants/ha) on the nitrogen and irrigation water use efficiency of PR 31Y43 hybrid corn cultivar (Zea mays L. indentata S.) in the years 2011 and 2012 under the ecological conditions of Eskipazar-Karabuk. In both the research years, the plant densities had a statistically significant impact on the dry matter yields. The highest dry matter yields were obtained from the D3 plant densities. In second research year, irrigation treatments were statistically significant on nitrogen uptake efficiency and the highest nitrogen uptake efficiency values were obtained from I3 irrigation treatments. In second research year, density treatments were statistically significant on nitrogen use and uptake efficiency. The highest nitrogen uptake and use efficiency values were obtained from D2 plant density treatments. In this study, plants did not encounter water and nitrogen deficiency in the growing seasons due to plant density basis nitrogen application and good irrigation management, which created the appropriate conditions to nitrogen and water use efficiency in all treatments.


Corn  Drip  Nitrogen  Plant density  Sub-soil capillary irrigation  Sub-soil drip  Water use efficiency.


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