
Black point disease of wheat and its implications on seed quality

Article Id: 005 | Page : 21-23
Citation :- Black point disease of wheat and its implications on seed quality. Crop Res. 47: 21-23
J. P. Srivastava, G. D. Kushwaha, D. N. Shukla
Address : Department of Seed Science & Technology, N. D. University of Agriculture & Technology, Kumarganj-224 229, Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh, India


Black point of wheat is a disease complex resulting from the attack of various field fungi. Various types of symptoms appear on affected wheat kernels. The symptoms of various types of discolourations of affected kernels may be visualized. The prominent discolouration occurs when the fungal complex attack at milking stage of the crop or other successive phases of crop maturity (dough, physiological maturity and harvesting). High relative humidity, intermittent rains and relatively higher temperature at anthesis favour the expression of symptoms. It has also been observed that delayed irrigation practised to utilize the residual soil moisture facilitates the infection and symptom expression. It was also recorded that consequent upon the late season/delayed irrigation coupled with high wind velocity, lodging took place resulting in increase in severity of black point disease. The fungi isolated from discoloured kernels were Drechslera sorokiniana (Cochliobolus sativus), Alternaria tenuis {Alternaria alternata) and exceptionally the Curvularia lunata. Single spray of propiconazole @ 0.10% at boot leaf stage, which was done primarily for the management of Karnal bunt of wheat, proved most effective against both the diseases i. e. Karnal bunt as well as black point compared to unsprayed plot.


Black point  Seed quality  Wheat.


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