
Bioefficacy of fungicides against Cercospora canescens causing leaf spot of greengram

Article Id: 016 | Page : 74-78
Citation :- Bioefficacy of fungicides against Cercospora canescens causing leaf spot of greengram. Crop Res. 46: 74-78
Veena, Yashoda R. Hegde, Ganajaxi Math, A. G. Vijay Kumar uasyashoda@-ediffmail.com
Address : Department of Plant Pathology, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad-5 80 005, Karnataka, India; 1MULLaRP Scheme, MARS, Dharwad, Karnataka, India.


Leaf spot of greengram caused by Cercospora canescens is an important disease in greengram. In vitro and field experiments were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of different fungicides against this disease. In laboratory, five systemic fungicides, five contact fungicides and one combi-product were assayed against C. canescens by poisoned food technique. Hexaconazole @ 0.05% and combi-product, carbendazim+mancozeb @ 0.025% recorded complete inhibition of mycelial growth of the pathogen. In field experiment, spraying of hexaconazole recorded minimum disease with maximum yield and was followed by difenconazole. Results indicated that hexaconazole was very effective in managing leaf spot of greengram.


Bioefficacy  Cercospora canescens  Fungicides  Greengram  Leaf spot.


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