
Productivity, profitability, energetics and nutrient use efficiency of maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars at different fertility levels under rainfed conditions in temperate zone of Jammu and Kashmir

Article Id: 010 | Page : 44-47
Citation :- Productivity, profitability, energetics and nutrient use efficiency of maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars at different fertility levels under rainfed conditions in temperate zone of Jammu and Kashmir. Crop Res. 46: 44-47
A. S. Charak, Manpreet Kour, Anil Khokhar, A. K. Razdhan
Address : SKUAS&T-J Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bhaderwah, Doda-182 221, Jammu and Kashmir, India


An experiment was conducted at the experimental farm, Sartangal of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bhaderwah, Doda in the temperate Agro-climatic Zone of Jammu and Kashmir to evaluate six maize varieties viz., V1: local variety, V2: UDMH-3, V3: UDMC-3, V4: UDMC-4, V5: UDMC-1 and V6: C-8 along with four fertility levels viz., F1: Control, F2: 75% of RDF (60: 40: 20 kg NPK/ha), F3: 100% of RDF (60: 40: 20 kg NPK/ha) and F4: 125% of RDF for productivity, profitability, energetics and nutrient use efficiency under rainfed conditions. The experiment was conducted in factorial randomized block design, replicated thrice with 24 treatment combinations. The hybrid variety UDMH-3 matured 12 days earlier and increased the grain yield by 32.2% and benefit: cost ratio by 53.2% over local variety. It was also highly energy efficient with energy output: input ratio of 20.15% and energy productivity of 0.50, kg M/J. The inclusion of improved variety UDMH-3 also increased agronomic efficiency over local variety with a range of 1.65 to 14.08 kg/kg N, 1.81 to 15,34 kg/kg P and 5.03 to 42.69 kg/kg K and partial factor productivity (PFP) from 38.54 to 50.97 kg/kgN, 42.02 to 55.55 kg/kg P and 116.87 to 154.53 kg/kg K. Among fertility levels, maize grain yield increased significantly by increasing fertilizer dose to 100% RDF (60: 40: 20 kg NPK/ha) (47.83 q/ha) as compared to maize crop receiving no fertilizer input (35.79 q/ha) and 75% RDF. The benefit: cost ratio was highest at 125% RDF with net returns of Rs. 40782/ha closely followed by 755 RDF with B: C ratio of 2.19 and net returns of Rs. 39539/ha. Again highest agronomic efficiency of 12.54 kg of grain/kg of N, 13.53 kg of grain/kg of P and 37.63 kg of grain/kg of K was obtained with 100% RDF. However, 75% RDF was highly energy and nutrient efficient on the basis of partial factor productivity as compared to other fertility levels.


Fertility levels  Maize varieties  Nutrient use efficiency  Partial factor productivity.


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