A field experiment was carried out for two consecutive years (2006–08) during the kharif season to determine the effect of single or combined application of organic amendments (farm yard manure and green manure) and inorganic fertilizer (N-P-K-Zn) on yield, yield components, nutrient uptake and residual nutrient status of hybrid (var. NK-3325) and high-yielding (var. Swarna; HYV) rice varieties in North Bengal (26°52′11.20" N latitude and 88°54′'36.7” E longitude). The combinedapplication of inorganic and organic inputs had a significant positive influence on yield components for both the HYV and hybrid rice as compared to the plants that received only inorganic fertilizer. The highest yield for both the rice varieties was obtained following application of 75% recommended N from NPK, 25% N from FYM and supplemental Zn.