Banjara, T. R., Bohra, J. S., Kumar, S., Ram, A. and Pal, V. (2022). Diversification of rice-wheat cropping system improves growth, productivity and energetics of rice in the Indo-Gangetic Plains of India. Agric. Res. 11: 48–57. doi:10.1007/s40003-020-00533-9.
Bastia, D. K., Behera, S. K. and Panda, M. R. (2021). Impacts of soil fertility management on productivity and economics of rice and fodder intercropping systems under rainfed conditions in Odisha, India. J. Integr. Agric. 20: 3114-26. doi:10.1016/S2095-3119(20)63591-2.
Begam, A., Mondal, R., Dutta, S. and Banerjee, H. (2020). Impact of cereal + legume intercropping systems on productivity and soil health - a review. Int. J. Bioresour. Stress Manag. 11: 274-86. doi:10.23910/1.2020.2109.
Bowal, M. A., Kumawat, S. and Mewada, D. A. (2021). Nutrient management in rice and wheat cropping systems: Implications for sustainable agriculture. J. Soils Sediments 21: 158-70.
Islam, M. A., Sarkar, D., Alam, M. R., Jahangir, M. M. R., Ali, M. O., Sarker, D., Hossain, M. F., Sarker, A., Gaber, A., Maitra, S. and Hossain, A. (2023). Legumes in conservation agriculture: A sustainable approach in rice-based ecology of the Eastern Indo-Gangetic Plain of South Asia−an overview. Technol. Agron. 3: 1-17. doi:10.48130/TIA-2023-0003.
Jain, V. and Kushwaha, H. S. (2020). Influence of rice (Oryza sativa) based system diversification on yield attributes of rice, productivity, water economics, uptake of nutrients and soil health. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. 9: 1363-72. doi:10.20546/ijcmas. 2020.903.158.
Jat, H. S., Datta, A., Choudhary, M., Sharma, P. C., Dixit, B. and Jat, M. L. (2021). Soil enzyme activity: Effect of climate-smart agriculture on rhizosphere and bulk soil under cereal-based systems of north-west India. Eur. J. Soil Biol. 103: doi:10.1016/j.ejsobi.2021.103292.
Jena, J., Panda, B. B., Pandey, N., Nayak, A. K. and Rath, H. (2021). Additive effect of rice straw mulching and legume residue incorporation on growth and productivity of rabi maize and groundnut in intensified rice-based cropping systems. Pharma Innov. 10: 1482-89.
Kumar, A., Singh, M. and Roy, R. (2019a). The effects of legumes in rice cropping systems: Soil fertility and nutrient availability. Plant Soil J. 441: 89-98.
Kumar, P. and Sharma, V. (2021). Diversified cropping systems and their role in enhancing rice productivity and soil fertility. Indian J. Agric. Res. 55: 302-10.
Kumar, S. and Tiwari, V. (2020). Analyzing the productivity trends of rice cultivation in the alluvial plains of Eastern Uttar Pradesh. Indian J. Agron. 65: 210-18.
Kumar, V., Saharawat, Y. S., Gathala, M. K., Jat, A. S. and Singh, Y. (2019b). Rice residue management options and effects on soil properties and crop productivity. Field Crops Res. 230: 115-23.
Paramesh, V., Kumar, P., Bhagat, T., Nath, A. J., Manohara, K. K., Das, B., Desai, B. F., Jha, P. K. and Vara Prasad, P. V. (2023). Integrated Nutrient Management enhances yield, improves soil quality, and conserves energy under the lowland rice–rice cropping system. Agronomy 13: doi:10.3390/agronomy13061557.
Saha, B., Barik, A. K. and Mandal, N. (2020). Studies on growth, productivity, and economics of rice as influenced by diversification of rice-based cropping systems in red and lateritic soil of West Bengal. Int. J. Bio-resour. Stress Manag. 11: 108-13. doi:10.23910/IJBSM/ 2020.11.2.2081.
Sharma, D., Roy, A. and Patel, H. (2023). Addressing soil degradation through integrated nutrient management in rice-wheat cropping systems. Environ. Sci. Agron. 18: 88-101.
Singh, A., Dass, A., Sudhishri, S., Singh, V. K., Shekhawat, K., Meena, M. C., Sahoo, R. N., Soora, N. K., Upadhyay, P. K., Dhar, S. and Nithinkumar, K. (2024). Sub-surface drip-fertigation and legume residue improved maize yield and nitrogen use. Nutr. Cycl. Agroecosyst. 129: 205-21. doi:10.1007/s10705-024-10371-8.
Singh, A., Mishra, P. and Verma, R. (2021). Sustainable practices for improving rice productivity under changing climate in Eastern India. Int. J. Sustain. Agric. 12: 354-67.
Singh, S. and Singh, K. (2020). Effect of integrated nutrient management on growth and yield of basmati rice (Oryza sativa) through use of different organic manures and crop residues. Crop Res. 55: 183-88.
Truong, T. D. H., Tran, T. D., Nguyen, Q. C., Nguyen, T. T. D. and Hoang, T. T. H. (2024). Enhancing the efficacy of biochar derived from crop residues on rice (Oryza sativa L.) dry matter, yield accumulation and soil organic carbon in Central Vietnam. Res. Crop. 25: 216-21.
Upadhaya, B., Kishor, K., Kumar, V., Kumar, N., Kumar, S., Yadav, V. K., Kumar, R., Gaber, A., Laing, A. M., Brestic, M. and Hossain, A. (2022). Diversification of rice-based cropping system for improving system productivity and soil health in Eastern Gangetic Plains of India. Agronomy 12: 23-93. doi:10.3390/agronomy12102393.
Verma, N. (2020). Diversification and intensification of rice-based cropping system for higher production potential. Unpublished Ph.D. (Ag). Thesis in Department of Agronomy, JNKVV, Jabalpur (MP), India.
Bastia, D. K., Behera, S. K. and Panda, M. R. (2021). Impacts of soil fertility management on productivity and economics of rice and fodder intercropping systems under rainfed conditions in Odisha, India. J. Integr. Agric. 20: 3114-26. doi:10.1016/S2095-3119(20)63591-2.
Begam, A., Mondal, R., Dutta, S. and Banerjee, H. (2020). Impact of cereal + legume intercropping systems on productivity and soil health - a review. Int. J. Bioresour. Stress Manag. 11: 274-86. doi:10.23910/1.2020.2109.
Bowal, M. A., Kumawat, S. and Mewada, D. A. (2021). Nutrient management in rice and wheat cropping systems: Implications for sustainable agriculture. J. Soils Sediments 21: 158-70.
Islam, M. A., Sarkar, D., Alam, M. R., Jahangir, M. M. R., Ali, M. O., Sarker, D., Hossain, M. F., Sarker, A., Gaber, A., Maitra, S. and Hossain, A. (2023). Legumes in conservation agriculture: A sustainable approach in rice-based ecology of the Eastern Indo-Gangetic Plain of South Asia−an overview. Technol. Agron. 3: 1-17. doi:10.48130/TIA-2023-0003.
Jain, V. and Kushwaha, H. S. (2020). Influence of rice (Oryza sativa) based system diversification on yield attributes of rice, productivity, water economics, uptake of nutrients and soil health. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. 9: 1363-72. doi:10.20546/ijcmas. 2020.903.158.
Jat, H. S., Datta, A., Choudhary, M., Sharma, P. C., Dixit, B. and Jat, M. L. (2021). Soil enzyme activity: Effect of climate-smart agriculture on rhizosphere and bulk soil under cereal-based systems of north-west India. Eur. J. Soil Biol. 103: doi:10.1016/j.ejsobi.2021.103292.
Jena, J., Panda, B. B., Pandey, N., Nayak, A. K. and Rath, H. (2021). Additive effect of rice straw mulching and legume residue incorporation on growth and productivity of rabi maize and groundnut in intensified rice-based cropping systems. Pharma Innov. 10: 1482-89.
Kumar, A., Singh, M. and Roy, R. (2019a). The effects of legumes in rice cropping systems: Soil fertility and nutrient availability. Plant Soil J. 441: 89-98.
Kumar, P. and Sharma, V. (2021). Diversified cropping systems and their role in enhancing rice productivity and soil fertility. Indian J. Agric. Res. 55: 302-10.
Kumar, S. and Tiwari, V. (2020). Analyzing the productivity trends of rice cultivation in the alluvial plains of Eastern Uttar Pradesh. Indian J. Agron. 65: 210-18.
Kumar, V., Saharawat, Y. S., Gathala, M. K., Jat, A. S. and Singh, Y. (2019b). Rice residue management options and effects on soil properties and crop productivity. Field Crops Res. 230: 115-23.
Paramesh, V., Kumar, P., Bhagat, T., Nath, A. J., Manohara, K. K., Das, B., Desai, B. F., Jha, P. K. and Vara Prasad, P. V. (2023). Integrated Nutrient Management enhances yield, improves soil quality, and conserves energy under the lowland rice–rice cropping system. Agronomy 13: doi:10.3390/agronomy13061557.
Saha, B., Barik, A. K. and Mandal, N. (2020). Studies on growth, productivity, and economics of rice as influenced by diversification of rice-based cropping systems in red and lateritic soil of West Bengal. Int. J. Bio-resour. Stress Manag. 11: 108-13. doi:10.23910/IJBSM/ 2020.11.2.2081.
Sharma, D., Roy, A. and Patel, H. (2023). Addressing soil degradation through integrated nutrient management in rice-wheat cropping systems. Environ. Sci. Agron. 18: 88-101.
Singh, A., Dass, A., Sudhishri, S., Singh, V. K., Shekhawat, K., Meena, M. C., Sahoo, R. N., Soora, N. K., Upadhyay, P. K., Dhar, S. and Nithinkumar, K. (2024). Sub-surface drip-fertigation and legume residue improved maize yield and nitrogen use. Nutr. Cycl. Agroecosyst. 129: 205-21. doi:10.1007/s10705-024-10371-8.
Singh, A., Mishra, P. and Verma, R. (2021). Sustainable practices for improving rice productivity under changing climate in Eastern India. Int. J. Sustain. Agric. 12: 354-67.
Singh, S. and Singh, K. (2020). Effect of integrated nutrient management on growth and yield of basmati rice (Oryza sativa) through use of different organic manures and crop residues. Crop Res. 55: 183-88.
Truong, T. D. H., Tran, T. D., Nguyen, Q. C., Nguyen, T. T. D. and Hoang, T. T. H. (2024). Enhancing the efficacy of biochar derived from crop residues on rice (Oryza sativa L.) dry matter, yield accumulation and soil organic carbon in Central Vietnam. Res. Crop. 25: 216-21.
Upadhaya, B., Kishor, K., Kumar, V., Kumar, N., Kumar, S., Yadav, V. K., Kumar, R., Gaber, A., Laing, A. M., Brestic, M. and Hossain, A. (2022). Diversification of rice-based cropping system for improving system productivity and soil health in Eastern Gangetic Plains of India. Agronomy 12: 23-93. doi:10.3390/agronomy12102393.
Verma, N. (2020). Diversification and intensification of rice-based cropping system for higher production potential. Unpublished Ph.D. (Ag). Thesis in Department of Agronomy, JNKVV, Jabalpur (MP), India.