
Impact of nano-potassium foliar application on bread wheat cultivars for enhanced sustainable production

Citation :- Impact of nano-potassium foliar application on bread wheat cultivars for enhanced sustainable production. Res. Crop. 25: 388-393
AMMAR AL-ZUBADE AND RAFID N. AL-UBORI ammar.s.121@coagri.uobaghdad.edu.iq
Address : Department of Field Crops Sciences, College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Baghdad, Baghdad Iraq
Submitted Date : 11-07-2024
Accepted Date : 9-08-2024


A multiplicity of substantial disruptions in the physiological systems of the wheat crop (Triticum aestivum L.) are the result of a potassium deficiency.The foliar application of potassium improves the quality of wheat and the production of grains for end-use purposes. This study was carried out during the growing seasons of 2021-22 to investigate the response of winter wheat cultivars to foliar application of potassium (0, 1, and 2 g/L), at two growth stages (green up and heading) on the grain yield (t/ha), protein content (%), specific weight and plant vegetative indicators (chlorophyll content, flag leaf area and plant height). Foliar applications of potassium fertilizer were implemented at concentrations of (0, 1 and 2 g/L). The treatments were applied at both the tillering and flowering stages. Potassium treatments, wheat cultivars, and their interactions significantly differed in most measured parameters.  Application of 2g/L of K increases grain yield, protein content, and plant height than 0, 1 g/L by 5.51 t/ha, 10.52% and 95.60 cm, respectively.  Foliar application of nano-potassium timed at both tillering and flowering stages would be beneficial in improving the yield and its component. Furthermore, the various trait responses of cultivars to K application can be attractive to wheat breeders for selection.


Micronutrients nano-potassium quality trait sustainability wheat


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