
Study of morphological traits and their relationship of yield in different genotypes of soft wheat 

Citation :- Study of morphological traits and their relationship of yield in different genotypes of soft wheat. Res. Crop. 25: 403-408
Address : Department of Field Crops Sciences, College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq
Submitted Date : 20-04-2024
Accepted Date : 16-07-2024


Food security is one of the main directions of ensuring the country's national security.  The purpose of this study is to evaluate the collection of the main varieties of wheat cultivated in Iraq, according to a complex of morphological and physiological characteristics, along with the determination of grain quality indicators, and to identify the most promising varieties into the breeding process. This experiment was conducted in the fields of the College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Baghdad, during 2020-21 and 2021-22 by planting 10 genotypes of soft wheat 5 Russian genotypes viz.; - Mors-1, Tymur, Medved, Astrak, Varon-39and 5 Iraqi genotypes viz., Ibaa-99, Tamuz-3, Abigrab-3, Iraq and Ibaa-95. The experiment was designed as a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with one factor and three replicates. The results showed significant differences in the effect of genotypes on the studied traits. Russian genotype Astrak was the best in average plant height with an average of 84.8cm and 82.8cm for both seasons, respectively, Iraqi genotype Tamuz-3 was the best in average weight of spike with an average of 2.4g and 2.8g for both seasons, respectively, the highest average in number of spikelets per spike reached to 19.5 in season 2021-22. Iraqi Genotype Iraq also recorded the highest average length of spike 9.5cm in the season 2020-21, and the best 1000 grain weight was 39.9g in season 2020-21. Iraqi Genotype Ibaa-95 recorded the best average length of spike 9.6 cm in the 2021-22 season and the best number of spikelets per spike reached to 14.2 in the season 2020-21 and the best number of grains, spike was 48.3 grains in season 2021-22. Genotype Abigrab-3 also recorded the highest average number of grains reached 40.4 grains in the season 2020-21, and recorded the best weight of 1000 grains reached 42.3g in the season 2021. Genotype Tymur recorded the best weight of 1000 grains reached 39.9g in season 2020-21, and recorded the best weight of spike 2.7g and the best weight of grain/spike 2g.


Genotypes grain yield morphological characters wheat.


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