
Environmental surveillance of the rice massif in the Kuban-Protoka river region ​

Citation :- Environmental surveillance of the rice massif in the Kuban-Protoka river region​. Res. Crop. 25: 241-246
Address : Federal Scientific Center for Agroecology, Integrated Land Reclamation and Protective Afforestation of the Russian Academy of Sciences Volgograd, Russian Federation
Submitted Date : 24-04-2024
Accepted Date : 10-05-2024


The article presents the results of environmental monitoring of the rice massif between the Kuban-Protoka rivers. The analysis of the dynamics of the yield of rice crops grown in the zone of risky agriculture, namely in the territory subject to secondary salinization, is carried out. Based on the results of chemical analyses of water and soil, methods of increasing fertility on degraded lands are proposed. In the summer and autumn of 2023, field visits were made to the territory of the Petrovsko-Anastasievskaya, Chernoerkovskaya, Azov and Temryuk irrigation systems in order to visually inspect them and take samples of water and soil for subsequent laboratory chemical analysis. Field visits were carried out during the beginning of the growing season and during the formation of the final drainage and discharge runoff, in order to track the dynamics of changes in the quality indicators of irrigation, waste water and soil. As a result of the conducted research, it was found that the quality of irrigation waters in the studied irrigation systems does not comply with irrigation standards. Chemical analysis of the soil from rice checks showed an excess of maximum permissible concentration (MPC) values of Cl-, SO42-, Na+ и NH4+ ions in the studied irrigation systems. Such results are facilitated by the spread of secondary salinization, since the Kuban River Delta is a modern accumulation of salts from the entire river basin. Soil salinization has a negative impact on agricultural production. Thus, with the help of timely monitoring of saline lands, it is possible to prevent degradation processes using effective melioration and reclamation methods.


Degraded lands hydro-melioration irrigated agriculture reclamation. soil salinization water resources 


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