
Land cover change assessment in Thai Nguyen Province, Vietnam using GIS and remote sensing techniques 

Citation :- Land cover change assessment in Thai Nguyen Province, Vietnam using GIS and remote sensing techniques. Res. Crop. 25: 280-285
T. N. LE, D. D. NGUYEN AND D. T. NGUYEN ndangdo@hueuni.edu.vn
Address : Thai Nguyen University of Education, Vietnam
Submitted Date : 2-03-2024
Accepted Date : 7-05-2024


The expansion of agricultural production and urbanization has led to the depletion of the global forest ecosystem, resulting in land cover changes (LCCs) that pose threats to the land environment. Therefore, it is imperative to identify these LCCs as an essential step toward resolution and mitigation. This study aims to evaluate temporal LCCs in Thai Nguyen province by utilizing GIS and remote sensing techniques (RST) to analyze high-resolution satellite imagery spanning from 2001 to 2023. LCCs were identified using semi-automatic classification plugin (SCP) techniques with Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 images in ERVI software. The accuracy of the LCC maps was validated through post-classification comparisons, yielding high precision rates ranging from 87% to 96%. The results indicate a significant reduction in forest cover area, declining by 1018 ha from 226,18 ha in 2001 to 207,22 ha in 2023. This decline primarily occurred in urban areas, highlighting the intensification of urbanization processes. Cultivated and bare land experienced a minor decrease and a substantial decrease from 18,631 ha and 105,000 ha to 16,578 ha and 86,82 ha between 2001 and 2010, followed by a slight increase and a significant increase to 5,069 ha and 24,487 ha (1.4% and 6.9%) during the 2010-2023 period. These findings underscore the escalating risk of diminishing forest cover in the study area.


Cover changes ERVI software forest ecosystem satellite imagery urbanization ​


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