
Efficacy of broad-spectrum herbicide mixtures on weed flora in wet direct seeded rice (Oryza sativa L.) in the east coast plain region of India

Citation :- Efficacy of broad-spectrum herbicide mixtures on weed flora in wet direct seeded rice (Oryza sativa L.) in the east coast plain region of India. Res. Crop. 25: 228-234
Address : MSSSoA, Centurion University of Technology and Management, Paralakhemundi, Odisha-761211, India
Submitted Date : 24-03-2024
Accepted Date : 17-04-2024


Wet direct seeded rice (DSR) attributing floristically diverse weed flora which emerges as main constraints for its successful cultivation. Broad spectrum herbicide mixtures can be acted as weapon for mitigating this issue by nullifying the challenges like weed shift, herbicide resistance etc. Consequently, an experiment was conducted at the Institute Research Farm of ICAR-National Rice Research Institute, Cuttack, situated in the east coast plain region of India specifically in mid-central table land agro-climatic zone of Odisha during the Kharif seasons of 2020 and 2021 to assess the effectiveness of different herbicide mixtures in managing weeds successfully. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design encompassing 12 treatments, viz., nine post-emergence herbicide mixtures (experimental combinations for testing), one post-emergence herbicide check, one weed-free (T11) (weed-free plots were maintained by hand weeding) and one weedy check (T12), replicated thrice. The net plot size was 5.8 × 3.8 m (22.04 m2). The test variety CR Dhan 203 was sown in 20 cm rows apart. Weed-free treatment (T11) was at par with fenoxaprop-p ethyl 6.7% EC (w/w) + ethoxysulfuron 15% WDG (w/w) (50+15) g/ha (T4) , penoxsulam 21.7% SC+ cyhalofop-butyl 12% EC (w/v)  (25+100) g/ha (T3) , azimsulfuron 50% DF+ bispyribac sodium 10% SC (22+25) g/ha (T1), flucetosulfuron 10% WDG (w/w) + bispyribac sodium 10% SC (25+25) g/ha (T2) , bispyribac sodium 10% SC  + ethoxysulfuron 15% WDG (w/w) (25+15) g/ha (T5) for high performance in terms of grain yield. Also showed lowest weed flora dynamics and relative weed density as well. Among the herbicide treatments, fenoxaprop-p ethyl 6.7% EC (w/w) + ethoxysulfuron 15% WDG (w/w) (50+15) g/ha (T4) registered the highest weed control efficiency (86.49%) and lowest weed index (6.69%), hence demonstrating as most viable and adoptable combinations for agricultural crop production.


Broad spectrum weed management direct seeded rice herbicide mixtures weed pressure


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