
Influence of establishment methods and seed coating techniques on the performance of direct seeded rice (Oryza sativa L.) under Periyar Vaigai command area of Tamil Nadu

Citation :- Influence of establishment methods and seed coating techniques on the performance of direct seeded rice (Oryza sativa L.) under Periyar Vaigai command area of Tamil Nadu. Res. Crop. 25: 235-240
Address : Department of Agronomy, Agricultural College & Research Institute, TNAU, Madurai - 625 104, Tamil Nadu, India
Submitted Date : 11-03-2024
Accepted Date : 20-04-2024


Rice is a crucial staple crop cultivated extensively in command areas worldwide. In the command areas, the release of water varies due to the inadequate amount of rainfall in the source area and its proper supply. To combat such situations, direct seeding (DS) methods can be opted for; however, lacunae like excess seeds per drop, scattering of seeds, and intercultural operations like thinning, gap filling, and excess weed growth need a clear refinement to enhance the profitability of rice cultivation. Therefore, a research trial was conducted during 2022-24 at Central Farm, Agricultural College & Research Institute, Madurai, to evolve a suitable direct seeding method. The present investigation was laid out under a split-plot design comprising four main plot treatments and four subplot treatments replicated thrice. The main plot treatments comprised different seeding methods (S) and the subplot treatments comprised different seed coating techniques (P). Based on the experimental results, paper roll seeding and DS + Seed coating @ 2% KNO3 fb Bacillus sp. and Azospirillum (PR + P-KN) combination performed better on establishment with grain (6150 kg/ha) and straw yield (7824 kg/ha) respectively. Regarding the B:C ratio, OS-GP + P-KN resulted in higher with 2.64, closely followed by PR + P-KN with 2.61. The least effect was recorded in the combination of round slots in rice drum seeder and dry seeding (RS + DS). Investigating different techniques of direct seeding and seed coating is essential across various regions, particularly in regulated areas where water discharge remains unpredictable.


Establishment growth rice seed coating slot modification 


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