
Chemical desiccation of potato haulms to increase skin hardness and potato yield


Citation :- Chemical desiccation of potato haulms to increase skin hardness and potato yield. Res. Crop. 25: 302-307
RYAN WIDIANTO AND DENNY KURNIADIE ryanwidianto21@gmail.com
Address : Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Padjadjaran University, Jatinangor, Sumedang, 45363, Indonesia
Submitted Date : 13-02-2024
Accepted Date : 15-04-2024


 Desiccation of potato crops using herbicides is one of the methods widely used by farmers. Desiccation affects several key aspects such as tuber yield and potato skin hardness. This study aimed to investigate the effects of desiccation on potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) on skin hardness and yield. Experimental methods were used by varying the level of desiccation on different herbicide groups. Ammonium glufosinate, glyphosate, paraquat and saflufenacil herbicides were used in this study which were then compared with manual trimming and no desiccation treatment. The results showed that all herbicides reached a percentage of desiccation above 95% on the 15 days after application. All herbicide treatments other than glyphosate showed the same potato skin hardness as the manual trimming treatment and were harder than potato tubers without desiccation treatment. Desiccation using ammonium glufosinate herbicide at 375 g a.i./ha had the highest potato tuber yield compared to other herbicide applications.


 Desiccation herbicides potato skin hardness


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