
Optimizing oil palm farming: Soil quality, fertilization and agro-environmental performance

Citation :- Optimizing oil palm farming: Soil quality, fertilization and agro-environmental performance. Res. Crop. 25: 286-291
Address : Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Padjadjaran University, Bandung 45363, Indonesia
Submitted Date : 9-02-2024
Accepted Date : 22-04-2024


The essential role of fertilization in the management of oil palm plantations cannot be overstated, with the understanding that effective strategies must be fine-tuned to accommodate the diversity of soil types present. The nuanced response of oil palm to fertilization under different soil conditions underscores the critical nature of this research. This study investigates the relationship between oil palm farming practices and agro-environmental performance of plantations. This research aims to understand the complex mechanisms influencing plantation productivity. Five agronomic field experiments were carried out on various soil types (Podzol, Inceptisol, Peat) during 2022. These experiments involved various types of soil and used different plant materials in a total land area of 33 hectares. The results of the peat soil trials revealed a positive effect of RP fertilizer on leaf phosphorus (P) content and a visible gradient in potassium (K) content with different doses of KCl. Average plantation yields peaked in 2022, showing the best yields ever recorded. On the contrary, experiments in podzolic soils showed that oil palm responded better to organic fertilizers than to mineral fertilizers in podzolic soils. The inceptisol soil revealed a significant increase in leaf potassium (K) content with KCl dose, confirming the positive effect of fresh oil palm empty fruit bunches (EFB) on potassium levels. In particular, EFB acts as a good K fertilizer, positively influencing the K content but negatively affecting the calcium content (Ca) due to K/Ca antagonism. These findings emphasize the need for diversified agricultural strategies to optimize oil palm cultivation, increase productivity, and reduce dependence on external input.



Nutrition oil palm plantation management plant-soil interactions productivity


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