
Herbicide potassium glyphosate 660 g/L as weed control in hybrid corn (Zea mays L.) cultivation under no-tillage system ​

Citation :- Herbicide potassium glyphosate 660 g/L as weed control in hybrid corn (Zea mays L.) cultivation under no-tillage system​. Res. Crop. 24: 684-689
Address : Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Padjadjaran, Indonesia
Submitted Date : 3-10-2023
Accepted Date : 6-12-2023


Weed management during land preparation is a pivotal concern in agriculture. A viable alternative for weed control in the context of corn cultivation involves employing herbicides within the no-tillage system. Potassium salts formulated with the active ingredient glyphosate allow more effective absorption of glyphosate into the leaves This study aimed to determine the effectiveness and obtain a dose of Potassium Glyphosate 660 g/L herbicide in controlling weeds in corn cultivation with the no-tillage system. The research was conducted from January to May 2023 at the Experimental Garden of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Padjadjaran, West Java, Indonesia. The experiment used a randomized block design (RBD) with 6 treatments and 4 replications. The treatment consisted of no-tillage with a dose of herbicide with the active ingredient Potassium Glyphosate 660 g/L dose of 1.0 L/ha, 1.5 L/ha, 2.0 L/ha, 2.5 L/ha, 3.0 L/ha, and a control (Perfect Tillage). The application of herbicide with the active ingredient Potassium Glyphosate 660 g/L was carried out once, namely 14 days before corn planting. The experimental results showed that the herbicide with the active ingredient Potassium Glyphosate 660 g/L starting at a dose of 2.0 L/ha – 3.0 L/ha was effective in controlling weeds Imperata cylindrica, Bidens pilosa, Alternanthera sessilis, Ageratum conyzoides, and Borreria alata and other weeds (Mimosa invisa, Cyperus rotundus, Synedrella nodiflora, Axonopus compressus) up to 4 weeks after planting without causing a phytotoxic effect on corn planting and preparation for planting corn and increasing the growth and yield of corn plants.


Maize no-tillage potassium glyphosate weed suppression 


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