
Cultivating sustainability: A comprehensive review on intercropping in a changing climate

Citation :- Cultivating sustainability: A comprehensive review on intercropping in a changing climate. Res. Crop. 24: 702-715
Address : Department of Agronomy and Agroforestry, Centurion University of Technology and Management, Odisha-761211, India
Submitted Date : 20-09-2023
Accepted Date : 20-10-2023


The intercropping system is known for its multifaceted benefits; however, it has been mostly evaluated to quantify yield, land resource use efficiency and monetary gains. There are several underlying advantages relevant in the present context of global warming and climate change. Intercropping systems have the potential to ensure the regulation of climatic factors, efficient soil moisture utilization, maximum use of solar radiation, reduced greenhouse gas emission, more carbon sequestration and greater ecosystem services. These beneficial aspects of intercropping system have been revisited in the article. In recent times, as per the recommendation of the United Nations (UN), a major emphasis has been placed on the agricultural production systems to attain the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), while the intercropping system is the environmentally friendly and cost-effective cropping system that can address three SDGs such as zero hunger (SDG-2), climate action (SDG-13) and life on land (SDG-15). The present article focuses on the prospects of intercropping systems to meet the food security of the increasing population in the modern era of the changing climate. 


Climate Change efficient resource utilization green house gas emission intercropping system sustainable development goal


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