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Semenyutina, A. V. and Klimov, A. D. (2018) Analysis of bioresources of the Robinia, Gleditsia gene pool for forest reclamation complexes based on the study of adaptation to stress factor. Nauka. Thought 8: 33-45. doi: 10.25726/NM.20182.2.004.
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Yang, Q. (2014). Response of salt-tolerant tree species to different levels of soil salinity. Res. Crop. 15: 370-76.
Zhang M. and Yi, X. (2021). Seedling recruitment in response to artificial gaps: Predicting the ecological consequence of forest disturbance. Plant Ecol. 222: 81-92. doi: 10.1007/s11258-020-01089-y.
Baertsche, S. R., Yokoyama, M. T. and Hanover, J. W. (1986). Short rotation, hardwood tree biomass as potential ruminant feed: Chemical composition, nylon bag ruminal degradation and ensilement of selected species. J. Anim. Sci. 63: 2028-43.
Balakina, A. A., Nefedieva, E. E. and Larikova, Yu. S. (2021). Investigation of the structure and composition of the seed cell of Gleditsia and some changes in its structure during swelling. Agric. Bull. Urals 03: 46-52. doi: 10.32417/1997-4868-2021-206-03-46-52.
Chhetri, S., Dharmveer and Pandey, S. (2021). Effect of different growing media on the growth and biomass of poplar (Populus deltoides W. Bartram ex Marshall) stem cuttings. Res. Crop. 22: 644-51.
Kartoolinejad, D., Rahimi, D. Naghdi, R. and Kartoolinejad, D. (2016). Effects of seed dormancy breaking treatments on seedling QI of Caspian locust Seite 157 effects of physical and chemical treatments of seed dormancy breaking on seedling quality index (QI) of Caspian locust (Gleditsia caspica Desf.). Austrian J. For. Sci. 133: 157-72. doi: 10.1071/BT18093.
Kravtsov, A. E. (2003). Breeding of Gleditsia vulgaris in the south of the steppe zone of the North Caucasus: Abstract of the dissertation of the candidate of Agricultural Sciences. Voronezh. pp. 24.
Kulik, K. N., Svintsov, I. P. and Semenyutina, A. V. (2004). Ecologic-experimental introduction of economically valuable plants for sylvicultural reclamation. Russ. Agric. Sci. 3. 19-23.
Lazarev, S. E. and Semenyutina A. V. (2021). Technological methods of reproduction and cultivation of species of the genus Robinia L. Successes of Mod. Nat. Sci. 3: 17-25. doi: 10.17513/use.37589.
Lorca, A., Ferreras, А. and Funes, G. (2019). Seed size and seedling ontogenetic stage as modulators of damage tolerance after simulated herbivory in a woody exotic species. Austral. J. Bot. 67: 159-64. doi: 10.1071/BT18093.
Melnik, K. A. and Khuzhakhmetova, A. Sh. (2022). Features of fruiting of introduced representatives of the generic Gleditsia complex in the age aspect. Proc. Nizh. Ag. Complex. 4: 184-93. doi: 10.32786/2071-9485-2022-04-21.
Nourmohammadi, K., Kartoolinejad, D., Naghdi, R. and Baskin, C. C. (2019). Effects of dormancy-breaking methods on germination of the water impermeable seeds of Gleditsia caspica (Fabaceae) and seedling growth. Folia Oecologica. 46: 115-26. doi: 10.2478/foecol-2019-0014.
Redwan, O. (2019). Germination of the seeds of Gleditsia triacanthos L. and the effect of some agricultural communities on the growth and development of their seedlings. Int. J. Biol. Sci. 41: 11-26.
Semenyutina, A. V. and Klimov, A. D. (2018) Analysis of bioresources of the Robinia, Gleditsia gene pool for forest reclamation complexes based on the study of adaptation to stress factor. Nauka. Thought 8: 33-45. doi: 10.25726/NM.20182.2.004.
Tanyukevich, V. V. and Ivonin, V. M. (2012). Features of the course of growth of the main species of forest strips in the Rostov region. For. Bull. 2: 27-32.
Tognetti, P. M., Mazia, N. and Ibáñez, G. (2019). Seed local adaptation and seedling plasticity account for Gleditsia triacanthos tree invasion across biomes. Ann. Bot. 124: 307-18. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcz077.
Yang, Q. (2014). Response of salt-tolerant tree species to different levels of soil salinity. Res. Crop. 15: 370-76.
Zhang M. and Yi, X. (2021). Seedling recruitment in response to artificial gaps: Predicting the ecological consequence of forest disturbance. Plant Ecol. 222: 81-92. doi: 10.1007/s11258-020-01089-y.