
Synergistic test of atrazine 72% and mesotrion 8% herbicide against broadleaf weeds and grass weeds in corn (Zea mays L.) cultivation

Citation :- Synergistic test of atrazine 72% and mesotrion 8% herbicide against broadleaf weeds and grass weeds in corn (Zea mays L.) cultivation. Res. Crop. 24: 279-286
Address : Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jalan R. Jatinangor Km 21, West Java, Indonesia
Submitted Date : 24-01-2023
Accepted Date : 18-04-2023


Weed control employing single pesticide continually in the long-term causes weeds to become resistant. The usage of combined pesticides helps limit the occurrence of weed resistance. Herbicide formulations containing two or more active ingredients will exhibit interactions between constituents which could be synergistic, additive or antagonistic. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness and synergism test of the mixture with the active ingredients atrazine 72%+mesotrion 8% against several types of weeds in sweet corn plantations. The experiment was carried out during 2022 at the Agricultural Training and Development Research Center, Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Indonesia. The treatment consisted of three types of herbicides with six dose levels, there was mixture of atrazine 72%+mesotrion 8%, herbicide atrazine 72% and herbicide mesotrion 8% with four replications. Target weeds included Ageratum conyzoides, Borreria alata, Synedrella nodiflora, Richardia brassiliensis, Eleusine indica, Digitaria ciliaris and Paspalum conjugatum. Data analysis used the percentage of weed damage to determine the effectiveness of each herbicide and linear regression analysis using the Multiplicative Survival Model (MSM) method to determine the LD50 of each herbicide. The results showed that the mixed herbicides atrazine 72%+mesotrion 8% suppressed the growth of the target weeds and had a treatment LD50 of 0.32 l/ha and an expected LD50 of 0.36 l/ha with a co-toxicity value of 1.125 (>1), so the mixed herbicides were synergistic.


Atrazine broadleaf corn mesotrion mixed herbicide weeds


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