
Molecular screening for Fusarium oxysporum resistance genes in chickpeas

Citation :- Molecular screening for Fusarium oxysporum resistance genes in chickpeas. Res. Crop. 24: 416-427
Address : Kazakh National Agrarian Research University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Submitted Date : 20-01-2023
Accepted Date : 22-02-2023


Root rot and wilt (Fusarium oxysporum) are the most common pathogens among grain legumes, which cause yield losses of 10 to 40%. Wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. ciceris is a devastating disease in chickpea growing area. In this study, 50 chickpea genotypes were studied to identify genetic sources of resistance to the disease in 2021 and 2022 vegetative seasons. The studies were carried out against the natural background of the experimental field at the Saimasai Agrotechnopark site of the Kazakh National Agrarian Research University, and the studies were carried out against an artificial background at the experimental site of Agropark Ontustik LLP located in the village of Zhalpaksay, Almaty region, Karasai district. The resistance and susceptibility of the plants to F. oxysporum were determined four weeks after artificial inoculation. In field trials, 70% of the genotypes were resistant to wilt and the remaining 30% showed susceptibility to the disease with varying degrees. Molecular methods were used to identify genetic sources of resistance. In the molecular analysis, all 50 genotypes were screened using the primers CaSTMS2, TA200, TA194, TA72, TA46, TR29 and TR7, which are closely related markers to resistance genes. Marker selection can identify resistant genes when screening chickpea genotypes for this pathogen. As a result of screening, resistant chickpea genotypes have been identified that can be used in the breeding program to develop F. oxysporum resistant chickpea varieties.


Artificial inoculation chickpea genotypes Fusarium oxysporum molecular markers resistance ​


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