
Ways to increase the yield of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Kamyshanka 5 in the conditions of the Lower Volga Region


Citation :- Ways to increase the yield of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Kamyshanka 5 in the conditions of the Lower Volga Region . Res. Crop. 24: 229-235
TATYANA IVANCHENKO tvivanchenko@bk.ru
Address : Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution, "Federal Scientific Center of Agroecology, Complex Melioration and Protective Afforestation of the Russian Academy of Sciences", (Federal Research Center of Agroecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences), 97 Universitetskiy Prospekt, 400062, Volgograd, Russia
Submitted Date : 8-12-2022
Accepted Date : 23-03-2023


In recent years, the catalog of applied chemicalization agents has been replenished with a new generation of preparations, which are a complex of compounds containing various bioactive substances, macro- and micro compounds. After treatment of seeds with these biopreparations the time between sowing and sprouting is accelerated, plants build up a strong vegetative mass, the yield and quality of grain as well as resistance to diseases and pests is increased. The aim of our research was to study the effect of complex preparations on the yield and quality of winter wheat. This study conducted in the arid zone of the Lower Volga region in the experimental field of the Federal Research Center of Agroecology RAN from 2018 to 2020 (Russia, Volgograd) the results of the effect of pre-sowing seed treatment with chemical, biological protectants and physiologically active substances and foliar fungicide treatments on winter wheat crops were presented. The objects of research in field experiments were chemical seed dresser (Inshur Perform) and fungicide (Azorro), biological fungicide (BSКa-3), growth regulators (Extrasol and Bio-Don) and organic fertilizer (Рotassium Нumate). During the research, soil samples of light chestnut heavy loam soil and plant samples of winter wheat by phase of development were taken. The results showed that the use of biologically active compounds contributed to the strengthening of growth and development of winter wheat. The maximum number of productive stems–345 pcs/m2, 35.7 grains per ear, weight of a grain per ear 1.10 g, weight of 1000 grains–31.38 g formed plants at plots where only new generation biological preparations were used. Compared with the yield on the variants without treatment (control), the yield at plots with the use of biological preparations was 1.14 t/ha higher.


Biological fungicide chemical fungicide growth regulator organic fertilizer physiologically active substances quality yield winter wheat


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