
Biological reclamation of disturbed agricultural lands in the Volgograd Trans-Volga region

Citation :- Biological reclamation of disturbed agricultural lands in the Volgograd Trans-Volga region. Res. Crop. 24: 191-197
A. V. KOSHELEV AND V. A. VEDENEEVA alexkosh@mail.ru
Address : Federal State Budget Scientific Institution, (Federal Scientific Centre of Agroecology, Complex Melioration and Protective Afforestation of the Russian Academy of Sciences), (FSC of Agroecology RAS), 400062 Volgograd, Russia
Submitted Date : 11-11-2022
Accepted Date : 10-01-2023


Earthworks, such as mining, construction, laying pipes for various purposes and other activities, result in the loss of ecological systems, particularly soil cover integrity. Land reclamation allows for the establishment of a fertile soil layer, soil structure, and the accumulation of humus and other nutrients up to the level of fertility that existed before the violation. The article presents a comparative analysis of the main indicators of soil fertility of agricultural lands (pasture, hayfield, arable land) in its natural state and in the disturbed one caused by the overhaul of the main gas pipeline. The purpose of the research conducted in 2020 was in the dry-steppe zone of chestnut soils of the Volgograd region to analyze the indicators of fertility of agricultural lands that are in their natural state and subject to reclamation with an estimation of restoration costs. To characterize the level of soil fertility, the main indicators of fertility have been considered: particle size distribution, content of organic matter (humus), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), sulfur (S) and pH, which reliably characterized soil fertility in the given soil-climatic conditions of the dry steppe zone of the Volgograd region. As a result of the estimation, it was found that the cost of restoring 1 ha of arable land made 2607.13 euro, and the cost of restoring 1 ha of pasture (haymaking) reached 2096.62 euro.


Arable land biological reclamation land reclamation pasture soil fertility 


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