
Influence of basic tillage and coulisse strips on the weed infestation and yield of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) in the Tyumen region ​

Citation :- Influence of basic tillage and coulisse strips on the weed infestation and yield of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) in the Tyumen region​. Res. Crop. 23: 770-775
Address : Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University, Russia


In terms of agricultural production, Western Siberia is a risky farming zone. Unfavourable weather phenomena in some years include moisture deficiency in the first half of the growing season, which negatively affects yield, as well as excessive moisture and lack of heat in the second half of the period, which leads to a decrease in grain quality. The special natural conditions of Siberia require specific consideration of the use of agricultural technologies that compensate for factors that negatively affect the yield of the land. The purpose of the presented study was to determine the most effective tillage options for increasing the yield of spring wheat in the Tyumen region (Russia). This study was  conducted at the experimental field of the Northern Trans-Urals State Agrarian University from 2014-19 to evaluate the effect of basic tillage with and without the use of coulisse strips on the weed infestation and yield of spring wheat in the Tyumen region, Russia. Comparative evaluation of the basic tillage with or without sown coulisse strips showed less weed infestation of spring wheat (3.3-27.1 and 3.6-29.4 no./m2) on the basic tillage variants (plowing and loosening) with sowing single-line coulisse strips, where the resulting larger yield of 3.74 t/ha (+ 0.17 t/ha compared to the control variant) was obtained. The results showed that moldboard tillage using coulisse strips had a positive effect on plant growth and development, due to the density, soil moisture, and weed reduction in obtaining high yield of spring wheat. The data obtained in the course of long-term studies can be used in the development of recommendations for agricultural production on the cultivation of spring wheat for grain and seeds under conditions close to those of the region under study.


Basic tillage coulisse strips spring wheat weed infestation yield


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