
Transforming microclimate to improve yield of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) by utilizing poly-house and colour plastic mulches associated with drip irrigation

Citation :- Transforming microclimate to improve yield of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) by utilizing poly-house and colour plastic mulches associated with drip irrigation. Res. Crop. 23: 649-656
Address : Agro Climate Research Centre, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-641003, Tamil Nadu, India
Submitted Date : 13-07-2022
Accepted Date : 26-07-2022


          Microclimate modification patterns are about the mimicking of natural systems to control the environment to achieve several benefits. Cucumbers (Cucumis sativus L.) are high yielding summer vegetables but are extremely sensitive to sudden weather changes. So, the changes in microclimatic parameters under polyhouse by using plastic mulching has evaluated on cucumber to improve the production of fruits and also to identify the optimum microclimatic situation of the crop. Research was conducted to study the performance of cucumber under protected conditions with different plastic mulches. This experiment was conducted in a split plot design, having irrigation levels as main plot and mulches as subplots. The study revealed that there was an increase in RH and air temperature inside the poly house. RH was increased by 8-12% that of outside. Temperature showed 5-7% increase in morning time and 7-10% in afternoon. Mulching helped to maintain the soil moisture higher than the bare soil and black mulch showed higher soil temperature and soil moisture (23.3%) under 100% irrigation. Black mulch with 100% irrigation attained maximum plant height (174.05cm). Yield of crop was also influenced by mulching. Black mulch with 100% irrigation attained maximum yield (36.1t/ha) followed by white (33.6t/ha) and silver (32.1t/ha) at same level of irrigation. Yield decreased in correspondence with reduction in irrigation level. Red and yellow mulches performed on par and maintained soil moisture greater than control plot. In conclusion, Black mulch with 100% irrigation performed well among the treatments because of higher moisture and favourable soil temperature.


Cucumber Cucumis sativus L. drip irrigation microclimate mulching protected cultivation ​


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