
Development and implementation of modern biotechnological module for year-round virus-free potato (Solanum tuberosum) mini-tuber production

DOI: 10.31830/2348-7542.2020.083    | Article Id: 013 | Page : 529-533
Citation :- Development and implementation of modern biotechnological module for year-round virus-free potato (Solanum tuberosum) mini-tuber production. Res. Crop. 21: 529-533
Sergey L. Rubtsov, Aleksey V. Milekhin, Aleksey L. Bakunov, Nadezhda N. Dmitrieva ale171758@gmail.com
Address : Samara Federal Research Scientific Center, RAS Samara Scientific Research Agriculture Institute named after N. M. Tulaykov446254, 41 K. Marksa Str. Bezenchuk Vil., Samarskaya Oblast, Russia n Federation


The production of certified potato seed material in regions with a high level of infection load is significantly limited. The productivity growth is possible with the application of biotechnological installations, but the obtained seed material is relatively costly. Therefore, the present study was conducted during 2018-2019 at Samara Scientific Research Agriculture Institute, Samarskaya Oblast, Russia to comparatively analyze micro-plant productivity of the varieties Ilyinsky, Udacha, Zhigulevsky and Zhukovsky on the various biotech installations: KD-10, Urozhay-9000, and the experimental biotechnological module. The prepared meristem potato microplants were placed into the planting points on the biotechnological installations in a PU foam holder. The vegetation regime and the nutrient solution composition were changed depending on the vegetative stage. The maximum productivity per plant on the experimental module was obtained from varieties Zhigulevsky (96 minitubers) and Udacha (87 minitubers). The productivity of these varieties on KD-10 was 31 and 27 minitubers per plant and 65 and 63 minitubers per plant in the installation Urozhay-9000, respectively. At the same time, using the designed module, the cost of one minituber was reduced by 2.80 rubles compared to the installation KD-10 and by 3.32 rubles in comparison with the installation of Urozhay-9000. The application of the presented biotechnological module will allow producing standard potato minitubers with minimal costs and with a total absence of internal viral, viroid as well as external fungal and bacterial infection throughout the year.


Biotechnological installations  Meristem plants  Minitubers  Original seed growing potato.


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