
Study of the upstream ricin gene sequences in different castor (Ricinus communis) varieties as a preliminary step in CRISPR/Cas9 editing

DOI: 10.31830/2348-7542.2020.058    | Article Id: 024 | Page : 344-348
Citation :- Study of the upstream ricin gene sequences in different castor (Ricinus communis) varieties as a preliminary step in CRISPR/Cas9 editing. Res. Crop. 21: 344-348
Oleg Alexandrov olegsandrov@gmail.com
Address : 1Laboratory of Plant Cell Engineering, All-Russia Russia Research Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, Timiryazevskaya 42, Moscow, 127550, Russia


Castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) plants contain toxic compounds that limit the use of this crop as a feed. In this study, the main toxin addressed is ricin. The problem of the ricin detoxification is solved by different approaches, but the used treatments often degrade feed quality. CRISPR/Cas9 editing of the ricin gene may be a perspective approach to produce ricin-free plants. The upstream ricin gene region was sequenced and analyzed with nine different Ricinus communis varieties. The region consists of a part with transcription regulatory elements and a signal peptide coding part. Single nucleotide polymorphic sites were found in both parts of the region. These were mutations of various types: deletions/inserts, transitions and transversion. In the coding part, transitions were found only. Two silent and one missense mutation has been detected. In the article, a ratio of transition and transversion, as well as a possible role of the described mutations in the studied region structure and function are discussed. The optimal target sequence for CRISPR/Cas9 editing of ricin gene was considered.


Castor  ricin  signal peptides  single nucleotide polymorphism  CRISPR/Cas9.


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