
Evaluation of wheat varieties in response to low and moderate input farming systems

DOI: 10.31830/2348-7542.2020.004    | Article Id: 004 | Page : 26-30
Citation :- Evaluation of wheat varieties in response to low and moderate input farming systems. Res. Crop. 21: 26-30
Huseynov Kazim Garakishi kazimhuseyni@mail.ru
Address : Science Research Institute of Plant Protection and Technical Crops (SRIPP and TC), Ganja, Azerbaijan Republic


In frigid environmental system, producers usually have the choice between growing spring and summer cereal crops or fall crop options. Russia climatic condition is complicating that choice. Hence, spring wheat has the potential to be a desirable choice in the Russia wheat cultivation areas. To evaluate the efficacy of the different farming inputs (Low-and moderate inputs) and productivity of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties, two field trials were carried out at the state farm of Agricultural Institute of Moscow, Russia in the growing seasons 2015 and 2016. Field experiments were performed once a year by using randomized complete block arranged in a split plot trial design with four replicates, with the low-and high input experimental treatments as the main plots, and cultivars of spring wheat (Amir, Rima, Mis and Estir) as the second factor. Results indicated that the greatest wheat yield, harvest index, gluten content and gluten index were attained for cultivar Rima with the average use of intensive input treatment. Protein content was also higher when intensive cultivation system and wheat variety Rima were used. Data related to 1000 grains’ weight recorded that variety Rima in basic input system had the highest value. Overall, intermediate amount of agricultural inputs as an intensive input practice can cause greater grain yield and yield component in the area.


Cultivars  cultivation technology  economic efficiency  spring wheat.


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