
Effect of different planting dates on some plant growth traits of four hybrids of broccoli

DOI: 10.31830/2348-7542.2019.049    | Article Id: 014 | Page : 333-337
Citation :- Effect of different planting dates on some plant growth traits of four hybrids of broccoli. Res. Crop. 20: 333-337
Mohammad H. Obaid, Yasamin F. Saloom, Manal H. Mejbel, Salah H. J. Al-Hchami mohammed.obaid@uokerbala.edu.iq
Address : 1Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, University of Karbala, Iraq; 2Department of Soil Science and Water Resources, College of Agriculture, Sumer University, Al-Rifai, Iraq; 3College of Basic Educations, University of Mustansirya, Iraq; 4Department of Horticulture and Landscape Gardening, College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad, Iraq


The experiment was conducted at the Vegetable Field, Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, University of Karbala, Iraq during 2017–18 for the evaluation of four cultivated hybrids with different planting dates and their consequence on some plant growth traits of broccoli. In this experiment, randomized complete block design (RCBD) was used with three replications. Four hybrids of broccoli (Ruby (V1), Green cornet (V2), Tropicana (V3) and Master (V4) were cultivated on three planting dates [September 15 (M1), October 01 (M2) and October 15 (M3), 2017]. The results indicated that the cultivar M4 produced significantly higher number of leaves as well as highest chlorophyll content in leaves, whereas cultivar V3 produced significantly more diameter and perimeter of the curd compared to other cultivars. Significantly higher plant height was recorded in the cultivar V2 compared to other cultivars. Among planting dates, broccoli planted on 1st October (M2) produced significantly higher diameter as well as perimeter of the curd compared to other planting dates V1 and V3. However, planting dates did not affect the other growth parameters of broccoli. The interaction between the effects of cultivars and planting dates was also found significant. The interaction treatment of V2 × M2 produced significantly higher plant height, chlorophyll content in leaves, curd weight and its’ diameter. The highest number of leaves and leaf area were recorded under interaction treatment of V4 × M1. On the basis of these results, it can be concluded that broccoli hybrids Tropicana (V3) and Master (V4) can be successfully cultivated in agroclimatic conditions of Iraq.


Broccoli hybrids  curd weight  leaf area  planting date.


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