
Influence of foliar micronutrients on growth, yield and quality of Khasi mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) in Mizoram

DOI: 10.31830/2348-7542.2019.047    | Article Id: 012 | Page : 322-327
Citation :- Influence of foliar micronutrients on growth, yield and quality of Khasi mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) in Mizoram. Res. Crop. 20: 322-327
Jenny Zoremtluangi, Elizabeth Saipari, Debashis Mandal debashismandal1982@gmail.com
Address : 1Department of Horticulture Aromatic and Medicinal Plants, Mizoram University, Aizwal-796 004, Mizoram, India; 2Directorate of Horticulture, Government of Mizoram, Aizawl-796 001 (Mizoram), India


An experiment was conducted during 2016 and 2017 at Mizoram University, Aizawl, Mizoram to study the influence of foliar micronutrients on growth, yield and quality of Khasi mandarin. The design adopted was randomized block design with 16 treatments such as T1: Foliar application of zinc (Zn), T2: Foliar application of manganese (Mn), T3: Foliar application of copper (Cu), T4: Foliar application of boron (B), T5: Foliar application of Zn+Mn, T6: Foliar application of Zn+Cu, T7: Foliar application of Zn+B, T8: Foliar application of Mn+Cu, T9: Foliar application of Mn+ B, T10: Foliar application of Cu +B, T11: Foliar application of Zn+Mn+Cu, T12: Foliar application of Zn+Mn+B, T13: Foliar application of Zn+Cu+B, T14: Foliar application of Mn+Cu+B, T15: Foliar application of Zn+Mn+Cu+B and T16: Control (no micronutrients). From the pooled data of two consecutive years during the experiment, foliar application of Zn+Cu+B (T13) showed maximum plant height, stem girth, maximum plant canopy spread, highest fruit set %, yield, highest number of fruits per plant, fruit physical and biochemical parameters like largest fruit length, fruit diameter, fruit weight, minimum fruit acidity and highest TSS/Acid ratio, while highest TSS was observed with treatment which received micronutrient mixture of Zn+Mn+Cu+B (T15) against control which recorded the least in all the parameters.


Khasi Mandarin  Micro Nutrients  Mizoram  Plant Height  Quality.


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