
Effect of time-based hot air-drying method on mineral elements of Jatropha zeyheri tea

DOI: 10.31830/2348-7542.2019.028    | Article Id: 028 | Page : 199-202
Citation :- Effect of time-based hot air-drying method on mineral elements of Jatropha zeyheri tea. Res. Crop. 20: 199-202
N. Mutshekwa, M. S. Mphosi, K. G. Shadung mutshekwan@gmail.com
Address : Limpopo Agro-Food Technology Station, University of Limpopo, Private Bag X 1106, Sovenga, 0727, South Africa


Essential minerals and trace elements have well-characterized physiological functions within the body and must be supplied by the diet. The digestibility and hence absorption of micronutrients such as iron is believed to be improved upon heat processing; with the resultant softening of the food matrix, protein-bound iron is released, thus facilitating its absorption. Four treatments, namely, 0, 24, 48 and 72 h, were arranged in completely randomized design (CRD), replicated five times. About 0.1 g dried and ground sample was put into 50 ml conical tube and 40 ml 5% of HNO3 was added. Samples were incubated at 95°C for 60 min, cooled and filtered using Whatman filter paper 185 mm diameter. Mineral element concentrations were determined using multi-type Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometer. Data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA), and data analyses were done using Statistical Analysis System (SAS) General Linear Model procedure. Least Significant Difference (LSD) test was used to identify differences among the means at P<0.05. The study demonstrated that drying significantly increased Mg, K, P, S, Al, Co, Mn, Si and Zn content by 73, 46, 425, 743, 320, 700, 635, 469 and 567%, respectively, and decreased Na, Ca and Ni quantities by 100, 113 and 100%, respectively.


Drying  Jatropha zeyheri  mineral elements  tea.


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