
An overview of chemical fertilizers and their use in crops!

DOI: 10.31830/2456-8724.2024.FM-140    | Article Id: FM-140 | Page : 53-62
Citation :- An overview of chemical fertilizers and their use in crops!. Farm. Manage. 9: 53-62
Address : Gaurav Publications, # 17, Ground Floor, Om Shopping Complex,, Old Area Udeypurian Street, Behind Main Post Office, Hisar-125 001 (Haryana), India
Submitted Date : 21-03-2024
Accepted Date : 25-05-2024


 Chemical fertilizers are the essential ingredients in raising crops and increasing food production. Due to environmental changes and increasing food grains demand, chemical fertilizers are becoming one of the critical and scarce factors for assured crop production. The basic level of knowledge about chemical fertilizers needed by agricultural graduates, farmers and other concerned people has not been fulfilled so far although there have been many forays in this direction. The author hopes that this article succeeds in its mission of illustrating the basic information on chemical fertilizers to agriculture students, teachers, researchers, extension workers, farmers and all those related to agriculture.


Crop production fertilizers mineral nutrition plant nutrients 


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