
Exploring organic cultivation methods for black gram (Vigna mungo L. Hepper): A review

DOI: 10.31830/2456-8724.2024.FM-134    | Article Id: FM-134 | Page : 18-24
Citation :- Exploring organic cultivation methods for black gram (Vigna mungoL. Hepper): A review. Farm. Manage. 9: 18-24
SURAJ SINGH THAGUNNA surajthagunna22@gmail.com
Address : Nepal Agriculture Research Council, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal
Submitted Date : 7-02-2024
Accepted Date : 22-05-2024


Black gram is vital in South Asia, with organic farming promoting sustainability by enhancing soil fertility, agro-ecosystem quality, and crop nutrition. However, limited research and complex cultivation methods hinder its widespread adoption. Overcoming these challenges is essential for expanding organic black gram production to meet the growing demand for sustainable agriculture. This review article deals with various techniques and prospects of organic black gram production by collecting important information spread across organic black gram production research articles published on the internet. It is found that the application of 3 percent Panchagavya foliar spray increases physiological growth, leaf area index, dry matter production, chlorophyll content, N content, yield, and yield attributes of black gram. It is also found that the proper and effective use of bio-fertilisers has more advantages over other fertilizers. Farmers can use a foliar application of Panchagavya, bio-fertiliser, and other non-chemical practices for efficient production of organic black gram. Through this review, it is concluded that the research for organic production of black gram is limited, so focus should be given to organic black gram production research for the development of efficient technologies and the instant dissemination of findings among farmers.


Black gram manures mulching nitrates organic weed yield


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