
Agromorphological analysis of wheat (Triticum aestivum. L) genotypes under combined heat and drought stress conditions 

DOI: 10.31830/2456-8724.2023.FM-126    | Article Id: FM-126 | Page : 72-80
Citation :- Agromorphological analysis of wheat (Triticum aestivum. L) genotypes under combined heat and drought stress conditions. Farm. Manage. 8: 72-80
Address : Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Tribhuvan University, Paklihawa Campus, Nepal
Submitted Date : 7-09-2023
Accepted Date : 20-12-2023


Wheat production in the world has been limited by climate change and global warming. The gradual rise in atmospheric temperature along with uneven precipitation had become a serious threat to poor production of wheat. Agro-morphological parameter of wheat is greatly influenced by abiotic stresses such as heat waves and moisture stress. To assess the correlation and direct and indirect effect of yield-attributing traits on yield for the selection of high-yielding wheat genotypes under drought at late sown conditions, a field experiment was carried out at the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science (IAAS), Paklihawa campus, Nepal during 2021/22. The experiment was laid out in alpha lattice design with twenty wheat genotypes under five blocks replicated twice. Results revealed that Bhrikuti (3322.8 kg/ha) was highest-yielding genotype whereas, NL 1179 (1883.4 kg/ha) was lowest-yielding genotype. Correlation and Path coefficient analysis showed plant height (Ph), and spike length (SL) had a significant positive correlation and direct positive effect, respectively with the grain yield (GY).Taller genotypes with longer spike length would produce more under combined heat and drought stress conditions. The cluster analysis classified the genotypes into four clusters where NL 1376 and BL 4919 lies with  Bhrikuti,best commercial check variety, which could further be evaluated to release as a variety.


Correlation path analysis trait wheat 


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